Dream Wench
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Everything posted by Dream Wench
That's a treat ! He always seemed immortal to me. I love to read about old Hollywood, and see the way they lived. The fashions, and architecture..and all that. I am glad your dad got to meet him, Red Maria. I will try to find one of his films this week end to watch.
http://www.noquartergiven.net/movies.htm This may have been posted before, but, it helped me come up with a list to take to the video store.
http://themave.com/Flynn/index.htm Lived hard, died fairly young. I enjoyed reading about him. His son vanished, and he was married 3 times. The stars of today don't seem as...interesting..altho, I must say...I have my faves ! I lean toward the odd ones ! It's just my nature....
http://www.didyouknow.cd/sargasso.htm http://www.smithsonianmag.si.edu/smithsoni...98/map_jpg.html http://va.essortment.com/sargassoseawid_ramo.htm
He'd hurt his hip and he missed his ship His mind was in a pickle The woman he'd relied upon was nothing short of fickle His loyal dog peed on his leg and ate up all the mutton the mangy cur never protected him he became a canine glutton with an ever shrinking bung hole his beer keg turned to kindle when the new horizon began to wane he soon engaged his spindle "I'm starin' at me spindle an he's starin' back at me I named the thingy Cyclops Cyclops o' tha sea" C June 15 2004 Dream Wench
I wish I had a small caravan of Pirates. We would travel in RV's...fittted with Jolly Rogers...have campfires, and attend faires coast to coast. We could sell our wares....an camp near bodies o water..(.if they don't charge a yard arm...a leg, and a torso)....some o these tourist places be greedy, an' borin' as 'ell. I have always enjoyed off tha beaten path...meself..
http://www.neartexpress.com/q/Robert%20MacGregor.html Deacon Frye here be a couple o' Macgregors paintings. He captured the perfect moment at sea. Movin' along...but nuthin' ta worry about...
My grandmother had a round wooden thermometer ? barometer with the image of a ship in the center. The object itself was shaped like a ships wheel. I never knew the title of the painting until I did a search this morning. As a child, I was fascinated by the painting, because the ship looked so vulnerable, yet determined. I had only heard of Cutty Sark whiskey. I plan to buy a print of that painting. It used to appear everywhere way back when, on calendars, and in restaurants. My mind used to take little "trips" when I stared at that painting. I swear the waves would start to move, but all I had to drink...was Ovaltine..so the artist must have put some magic into his brush.....The Flying Cloud is also a fine painting.
Cockades an blockades an a whiff or a tiff a man finds his pleasure so he borrows a skiff He runs out o' sea and then pleads the fifth a donkey sneaks up an he goes off a cliff The skiff lies so still in the valley below but soon after that tha wind starts ta blow The rain rushes in and the skiff heads to tide a whale soon appears and he opens wide The hat remains stiff an our sailor comes out experince had taught him to never have doubt June 14 2004 Dream Wench
He tied her to the yardarm stuck in the Sargasso Sea He grabbed her stiff and graying hair "Don't ye be unfaithful ta me" He beat her with the cat o' nine tails and threw pitch all over her face Then he kicked the hem of her skirts and mangled all the lace Her pain must have been unbearable for she never said a word the axe that he buried into her head was the last thing that he heard The yardarm cracked and down it came and squished the man quite flat his victim had been the ships figurehead What do you think of that ? June 14 2004 Dream Wench
http://www.najecki.com/repro/Hats.html Long wait, and priced right..considering the way they describe the work. I learned what a "cockade" be....an no..it don't come in a blue pill...it be a way ta hold up yer hat flap !
Aye mate ! It be very cool ! I spend a lot o time thinkin' about me hat. Me body be 5 feet 2 an' about 95 pounds.....an' I need me hat be not overpowerin' me head.....The Sparrow look be top notch...an' a tricorn wit a bit o gold braid be very fine ! Tha French hats have a special charm, an tha creative variations on a theme...be a special treat, as well. Me noggin' measures 21 inches and a tad. I think I kin find a proper cap ! I don't want a crown too high..or..it be shrinkin' me flaps ! Too bad we don't have a website...where we kin put up a picture...an by magic..different outfits appear..on us..amazin' how one scurvy dog looks better than another in tha same duds ! I guess there's hat types..an scarf types....boot types..and "blompy shoe" types....arrr! Glad we have choices....
Sitting in the moonlight waiting on the tide Dressed and plumed in Pirate garb filled with fear inside Hacking on a coconut knowing he won't live the waves are kind and generous let's see what they can give He rolls his knickers up a notch and makes himself a bet Within a couple of minutes the ocean pays her debt "Not much meat ta eat right there" he tells a tiny crab as the beastie crawls away his belly gives a stab He ventures back into the surf then glances out to sea he spies a tidy wooden chest bobbing wild and free The box is washed up toward his knees and he pries the lid apart inside a Lady Claxton Cake the way to a pirates heart ! The cake was filled with fruity bits and honey draped outside pecans covered in cinnamon bliss and then our Pirate died But never fear dear readers Ms Claxton showed up, too she took our Pirate to her lair beneath the ocean blue Dream Wench June13 2004 Florida
I noticed that many Seafarers wear a bandana beneath their hats. It surves 3 purposes. To keep sweat fron running into the eyes, to control an unruly thatch, and also make the hat fit more snugly. During high winds, many hats were probably blown overboard, and lost to Davey Jones' locker. I think it may be a good idea to invest in a safety clip. One end is clipped to the hat, and the other would clip to a collar in the back. Remember those mens Shirts in high school ? People delighted in pulling the loop off the back ? Well..I think that would be a good idea for adding to sailor shirts, or frocks. Call it a Hat Tab...or safety tab. "Never lose another hat to a the sea in a high wind !" Of course, someone has probably invented it...but I would certainly want one for my Tricorner if I wandered out to sea...and it would be great to see a skull and Crossbones embossed into the alligator clip ! Many men are not into having a little bow tied under the chin, or I would suggest a tie on hat...
Thanks to the lot o' ye for all the comments, and help ! Har Har Jack ! http://www.moondancebellydance.com/belly%2...rem%20pants.htm Many of these may be a bit fancy, but they could do for some Pirate outfits. Lurex threads always add drama to fabric....kinda sparkles...but there are plain versions ! Some are very wide legged..one size fits many...and prices seem fair enough. Harem pants are comfy....
Sounds like a plan ! I know the copyright laws put a crimp in our plans, sometimes, but, I would be happy to see a Pyracy Pub Desktop....one fer tha lads..one fer the lassies..an' of course..a tall ship might make us all happy ..with a nice "Pyracy Pub" lettering....could be fun to vote on our favourite images..... We are, after all...a class act ! Aye !
I be a box Pyrate accordin' to tha test..but that be no worse than bein a witch who rides a vacuum cleaner....or a hobo who travels clingin' to tha wing of a jet.
I have located pantaloons for sale online, but most are white, and used primarily for undergarments, but I recently saw a Lady pirate wearing black ones with a nice long flounce at the bottom like Fancy poet shirt cuff. I would wear those to the grocery store. They had a special charm about them. Pants must always be comfortable, as any Pirate knows. Being able to move quickly has saved many a Mate from bein' run thru ! Harem Pants can be modified for Pirate wear. Many belly dancing suppliers have nice pants, and sashes. I find rayon seems to drape the best. Often, when garments are "Cut on the bias" (ask a seamstress to show you what that means) they seem to move better, too, providing the pattern allows for it. I am sad to see Gauze fabric isn't as easy to find as it was. We really need a Summer Pirate wardrobe, as well for the humid conditions. My favorite pants seem to have buttons, and gathers, and ample room in the seat. I just don't like jeans much any more. They seem heavy and restrictive. If anyone has a good source for Pantaloons, please feel free to share.
Well..it was on video. Somehow, many old films were "cleaned up" and made to sparkle again, thanks to new technology. It was black and white. I don't really mind colorising, providing the black and white versions are always available. I remember seeing old films on TV way back, and they popped, and skipped....often eliminating vital dialogue. I had fun watching Jackie Cooper....because It was almost like seeing a tiny fish about to be swallowed by sharks....didn't wish him any harm...naturally...have to remember..the era was a new dawn in Hollywood.....they didn't have computer graphics.....or synthetic fabrics for the most part, and if certain people had their way nowadays..Hawkins would be break dancing on deck...to rap music...now that would turn me off big time, seeing his humongous tennis shoes (in super slow-mo) spinning...going "Arrggg Baby...." but other people are more than welcomed to shell out a ten spot to see it..
Well Stynky ! I hafta say..ye cannot git that at Walrus Martus ! I also want ta say I am sure yer handsome face will accentuate tha Vest ! I spoke ta Cecil an' he sez there be many fine articles left in tha Costume section, an priced fairly ! Wishbone show featured tha very garments ! Here be tha link again fer those who likes ta see a few nice togs..suited fer Ren Faires, or Farmer/western...tha shirts can't be beat fer price. http://www.vintagemartini.com/clothing/cos.../pages/131.html http://www.vintagemartini.com/clothing/cos...umes/page1.html
http://www.classicmoviekids.com/images/c/c...iecooper206.jpg Very Nice pic of Cooper In Treasure Island Great Garb !
I watched The 1934 Treasure Island with Jackie Cooper, and Wallace Beery. It was a restored version, and had no crackling noises like so many old films often do. Jackie Coopers mouth is hilarious ! I know it seems silly, but he was really a lot of fun to watch. They don't make them like that any more. He was so wholesome...Freddy Bartholomew used to really get on my nerves.......fingernails down a chalkboard..but Jackie Cooper was like a pair of warm sox on a cold night... Dream Wench <---------a bit strange at times
I be an artist model in me youth....durin' tha hungry days.....still be slender....will work fer food....wit' me scorpion as me bodice guard..er I means me body guard...Gravity be kind he has....I be sure ta git a glance on Wall Street...but I ne'er go there...so's an imagination....be a useful tool..on a cold windy nitey..er I mean nite..Matey !
Here's the mighty Klaxitorn who wishes she were never born Shes covered in barnacles and weary ooooh ! (she's bungled many a tentacle too) "Stiff in the bilge of floating frass her Captain sees she's lost her class" (Octopus chorus) He feels a "Qwindridge" coming on (and tries so to explain) when he sees his sails a flappin' he climbs to fix the main A Qwindridge is "Unbalance" Klaxitorn means "Even Keel" The ship of Mast Confusion is wavingly unreal As we see the galley full of food someone steals the limes The Cabin Boy is feisty and tries to match me rhymes The Klaxitorn is listing aye ! ('cos an octopus turns her on) I hope that I can salvage the girl I will hang on 'till the dawn C. June 9 2004 Dream Wench (Revised Version)
Nostalgia be a high....I remember tha original Capt Crook from Mac Donalds....they changed him..tho..I hate when they change things from bearable ta worse...they even tried ta bring back FIZZIES..but it failed. Ovaltine ain't tha same...an' 5 cent candy now be 50 cent..an filled with artificiality ! I remember Stretch Armstrong dolls. Arr ! Hang 'em from tha yardarm fer takin away our childhood. An No Three Musketeers bar for 'em. Dream Wench <-------feelin old...