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Dorian Lasseter

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Posts posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. He was brought back to the moment by Williams question.

    Th Lucy… Shes not as pretty as she was, but shell be put to rights in time…

    Dorian became more himself and even smiled some.

    Thank you Will… Ill have my marines back soon as… soon as I am able.

    Touching his hat and turning away, he found Nathaniel Brocke, Acting Master-at-Arms waiting with the Lucys marines. Already a shroud had been laid beside Bill. It seemed as if all activity stopped to bear witness as the men who Master Flint had trained gently lifted him onto the shroud, then lifted him and bore him across the gap and onto the Cutter. Dorian followed and had them place him on the main gratings. Once the man had been laid in repose, Dorian caught Mister Tucker crossing the deck.

    Tuck, what have you seen of Master Whittinferd?

    Before he could answer, Jameson spoke up.

    Capn, hes below, was brought aboard some time ago.

    The Captains brow creased.

    Brought aboard? Did he bear injury after quarter was given?

    Jameson opened his mouth, but could not answer, the haunted look grew deeper on his face.

    Out with it man… What has occurred?

    Stadtmeyer took up where Jameson left off.

    We found him blow on th ship dere, he seem ta be knocked senseless. Didna wake even after near, after dowsed wi water, Sar.

    Dorian began to grow irritated. Not at his men standing before him, but at himself for not knowing the state of his officers and men. He had thought Preston was doing his office, gathering the numbers of dead and wounded, stores used or lost, stores and goods aboard the prize, and so forth. Dorian set his jaw and cleared his throat.

    Tucker… do me the honour of getting me th count of our dead and wounded. Have Mister Brisbane get numbers from th master gunner of wots used or destroyed aboard th Lucy.

    Aye Sah

    Marines… as you were, Ill be below… Jameson, Stadtmeyer, come…

  2. Dorian did not react to the mild joke made of the Navarra as William might have expected. As a point of fact, it seemed to pass as if it had not been said. Dorian spoke in a low, even tone to his brother.

    “William… One dead you say? Aye, very well… I’ve not got the count of my dead or wounded, save one… Bill Flint, Master-ta-Arms of the Lucy… I would… If you would oblige to send over your marines to secure th’ prisoners, I’d have those marines of th’ Lucy bear Master Flint aboard th’ Lucy…”

    His voice trailed off some and he left the question hang, his mind on many other things at the moment, one being where his senior officer might be.

  3. Jameson and Stadtmeyer had found the Master of the Lucy bloody and unconscious. What they had seen below in what must have been his wake would haunt them for a time. Not knowing what else to do, they had taken Master Whitingford and cleaned him up as best they could in a short time. As luck would have it, they found a butt full of water and near drowned Preston in it, yet he did not come to. They had made the deck with the Officer between them, and other hands helped them with their burden, but only the physical one. Preston was spirited over to the Lucy, stripped of his wet and bloodied clothes, cleaned and wounds dressed as best they might. He was tucked into his hammock and covered. Liam Rowan was left to watch over him, should he stir. During this time all those prisoners on the snow were gathered on the deck of the Focsle, where it was discovered that only thirty two men survived the battle to become prisoners. Of that number, three were officers and none higher than the masters mate. Captain Lasseter had remained visible the whole time, but made trips to the Lucy twice in that time. When the marines were securing the prisoners, he walked to the rail where the Watch Dog still grappled and called to Captain Brand.

    Captain Brand… A word with you Sah?

  4. As the two captains began to reign in the bloodlust, to bring calm to the deck of the shattered vessel, Dorian began the task of gathering the prisoners. A couple more small arms were fired, but not much came of it, so Dorian made known his intentions.

    “Master-ta-Arms! Assemble yer marines in th’ waist! Disarm th’ prisoners at th’ mainm’st, take ‘em foreward an’ hold them on th’ deck of th’ Fo’c’sle! Master Whittin’ferd, have some men guard th’ prisoners until all are accounted for, then the marines will take over, have th’ rest search th’ ship for anyone hiding, then we’ll square away this deck.”

    Certain familiar voices were not heard and Captain Lasseter looked about. Harold Press stepped over to the captain, looking quite the seasoned veteran of battle, covered with spent powder, spattered with blood and some other unknown substance. He knuckled his forelock and wore a grave expression.

    “Cap’n… you’ll want to see…”

    Dorian made a gesture to Harold, so as to say ‘show me’ and the marine escorted the Captain to where the Master-at-Arms lay. A silent curse escaped his lips as he thrust the tip of his cutlass into the deck and released the hilt to leave it stand on its own before kneeling down beside the fallen officer. Dorian looked Bill over and noted the many wounds inflicted. He looked up to see others standing neared now, seeing Preston and Mister Brocke he slowly shook his head before looking back to Flint. He spoke to the man as if he could still hear them.

    “Ya got th’ colours I see… Fine job Master Flint… I’ll see to it ye get… rewarded…”

    He gently took the colours out of Bill’s one hand and folded it onto his chest. Finding the other hand out and holding the all too familiar Tomahawk, he folded it onto his chest as well.

    “Mister Press, you will stand guard over the Master-ta-Arms until we can have him brought aboard th’ Lucy.”

    “Aye cap’n…”

    Harold stood at attention, taking the order most seriously. The last thing Dorian did before standing was run his hand across Bill’s face, insuring his eyes were shut and he looked at peace. Standing, Captain Lasseter scanned the deck of the snow. He noted Mister Brocke and hoped his words would not be to stoic and seemingly cold.

    “Mister Brocke… Take Master Flint’s place an’ lead th’ marines as ordered.”

    Nathaniel blinked back some more tears and straightened some, knuckled his brow but made no effort to speak. Dorian nodded to him slowly before turning to other business. He scanned past the snow and over to the Lucy’s deck trying to see what all he could of his ship and crew on board. Those left were squaring away the deck and seeing to the wounded and dead. There stood Master Johnson near a swivel with two muskets leaned against the rail. He held a lintstock in one hand and directed some men, yet kept an eye on the happenings aboard the snow. Dorian continued to look over his ship, trying to pick out who was yet standing. The Holy Ground seemed too vacant and he wondered what had happened there since his departure. All he saw was Nigel looking to the snow. Their eyes met and the Coxswain gave a crisp salute to Dorian, who returned the salute, though not as crisp.

  5. Dorian Lasseter..your chest looks really big.. wot size is that?

    BTW I like the pipe!

    The 'Other Chest' is 36 long x 18 wide x 16 tall...

    The first chest with all the drawers and tils is 42 long x 24 wide x 24 tall...

    Aye, I like me pipes too... I've got two of them... fired clay bowls with reed stems, they smoke nice and I've a loooong stem for that one so it's a cool smoke... :blink:

  6. Nicely done, Eye!

    Updates on the other chest;

    I added a drawer and lid to the til...


    At the moment the lid just sits on top, I plan to add some slides so it will slide over to get into the til.


    The drawer fits very nicely...


    At present it stays shut by friction, I may add some sort of lock eventually...


  7. On the deck of the enemy ship, chaos reigned. Damage done by the guns of the Watch Dog had far outdone what the Lucy had wrought. And now the Lucys marines and sailors alike were continuing to damage those who would come against them. Captain Lasseter had bolted onto the deck and his men followed him, not in his wake, but at his shoulders. For every man they had encountered, Dorian fended off the attack and only returned blows a fourth of the time, so bloodthirsty were his men. Muskets and pistols were discharged time and again, both at the enemy and from them. One found its mark across The Captains back as he was striking at a man with his cutlass. The sting caused him to arch his back and grit his teeth. Instead of slowing him down, it propelled him deeper into the fray, now curses in gaelic flowed through gritted teeth as he hacked and slashed at men around him, searching the chaos for the mark of an officer. At one point he used a great gun that had been dismounted to see across the deck. Climbing atop it he searched the deck and finally spotted a man yelling and pointing at men, sending them forth to do battle with his.

    Jumping off his vantage point, just as a musket shot meant for him was fired, he gained the deck and gave a final order.

    Lucifer! To Me!!!

    With this given he thrust his bloodied cutlass into the air and slashed it forward in the direction of that officer about to meet Captain Lasseter, and find him in a most foul mood.

  8. Quarterdeck of the Lucy

    The Lucy’s bow was half a pistol shot’s distance from the rail of the snow when Dorian’s attention was drawn aft.

    “Ah, William, y-”

    Was all he managed before the chant and then the barrage of shot drowned out any words that followed. The Captain spun about and used the back edge of his sword to direct Nigel to ease off a bit, lest they catch some of the shot from the Watch Dogs’ guns. He understood and remained clear of Dorian’s steel until he withdrew it as the broadside came to an end. Musket fire became the order for a time as they closed the gap. Some shots were fired across the quarterdeck and one unsettled the Captain’s hat. He also felt a mild sting on his right earlobe. Resetting his hat, Dorian touched his right ear as well and found an earring gone. His fingers also came back tinged with crimson.

    “Why you bloody – Nigel! Put th’ Lucy into her! Now!

    Second wave! To me!”

    He nearly leapt down to the waist, sword held high as a rallying point. There they waited, pistols, cutlass and quarterpikes at the ready. The Captain glanced back up to the Holy Ground and saw his Steward there, looking at him. He touched his hat to here and calmly mouthed 'I'll be back.' and smiled before turning to the smoky deck of the snow.

  9. Thank You Cascabel!

    That's just what I needed... I can easily modify what I have now, or produce another one...

    I have rounded the edges on two of the pieces (the horizontal ones in the images) so as not to have the line go across a semi sharp edge.

    So, 'Drop Lines'... sounds good to me... I had thought to transfer the line off this one onto my piece, but I can't... I'll be getting a kit from tha place Rene showed us to add to it.

    Slainte and happy fishing!

  10. The captain was gritting his teeth, unable to make out all who had suffered injury on the Lucy.

    “Dammit! Th’ close range has us in greater harm’s way.”

    He took a moment to think, even though a moment was something they really did not have to waste. A decision made, he voiced it calmly.

    “Preston, if William doesn’t show himself soon, You’ll be leadin’ th’ boarders on that ship. Ya go in wi’ th’ marines here an’ I’ll be behind ye wi’ every man I can spare …”

    Before Master Whittingford could answer, Dorian gave more orders.

    “Nigel, Put th’ Lucy into th’ side o’ that bastard right after our next volley, Mister Flint, into the waist and to th’ bow ta cross over wi’ yer men. Tucker! Pass out arms ta these rabble so they can show their worth!”

    He drew his sword and looked at the blade as if admiring it for the first time.

    “Godspeed and luck with you, Preston… I’ll be coming across, hot on yer heals now… make a good show…”

    Master Johnson gave the command and the Lucy’s guns fired into the side of the snow. Nigel shoved the tiller and they were headed at an angle, right into the enemy. The Lucy’s deck swarmed with much activity, mixed with anger, fear, courage, defiance, and any other emotion known to man. Hands were embraced between friends, good-luck charms kissed, and more prayers sent heavenward.

  11. Well, It would be in the til or a drawer of my sea chest, so no real worries there... and sticking the hooks into a cork is always the way to go!

    This is just for reenactment... at this point... If you look at the first image, there is a dollar coin there for size reference. Not a very big item.

    That site Mr. Tognor found, excellent indeed! I plan to order some line and/or a rough fishing kit from him soon.

  12. After much digging and head scratching as to where I put this thing... I found it!

    I've had this since my dad gave it to me, and I have no idea how long he had it...

    While looking I made a part out of wood from memory...


    My memory thought it was bigger... heh

    As you can see, it's plastic, but I can imagine it would originally be made of wood...

    Here's a closeup...


    I can see something of this nature being in a sailor's kit to while away some time, add a bobber (small chunk of whittled wood, or some cork) and bait the hook...

  13. I agree with Master Hawkyns...

    It would be the same throughout many centuries. Think about a 'professional soldier/sailor'... When you're trekking across an area, yes, you might have all your necessities slung on your back, but in a bag, pack, etc. Once at your destination, you'd set camp or make a gathering point, then leave all your extra gear there, stripping down to your 'battle dress' and heading off. Hunters would do this too. There's no way you'd go off through the woods carrying all your gear to bump around and make noise, catch on the brush, etc.

  14. Blood had been drawn… The game was full on… Captain Lasseter stepped forward and grabbed the rail at the break of the deck.

    “Gunners at th ready! Nigel, turn us full broadside to ‘em!”

    A chorus of responses to the orders given were sung out and as the Lucy turned to give her full broadside to the snow, the order to fire came out of Dorian’s mouth as a cannon blast itself, with as much force and power.


    In response the Guns of the Lucy erupted in flame and canister shot. The sea was lit with the flash for what seemed miles around. As the sounds began to fade the Master Gunner and his mate shouted for the guns to be fully drawn in and loaded with double roundshot. Dorian stood and watched the snow to see what she might do now. Activity on his own deck had him look away and he noted toe others taking McCormick below, to which he nodded.

    “See the lad to Mister Marsh! Godspeed!”

    Putting the glass to his eye he noted the snow swinging about and the gunports opening.

    “She gonna fire on us again!”

    As if prompted by the Captain’s report, Master Johnson sung out,

    “Guns loaded n’ ready sah!”

    Without hesitation, Dorian gave the order.

    “Run ‘em out! On th up-roll now! FIRE!”

    The timing was almost perfect. Both ships fired a broadside half a heartbeat apart. The snow fired a second one of grape which put several holes in the Lucy’s sails, while the double roundshot fired from the Lucy found bulwarks and possibly glanced off a mast on the snow.

    The command was given again to reload and the men were as if possessed… Some of the grape had made its way lower and other men were injured and being taken below. Again Dorian sighted the deck of the snow with his glass. Yes, some damage had been inflicted to a degree as men were yelling and pointing to the rigging and elsewhere, others were scrambling up ratlines and Dorian didn’t waste the opening.

    “Man th’ swivels and fire at will!”

    Though they were only half pounders, they were enough to cause more chaos on the snow as now those who braved the rigging were ducking and dodging.

  15. To quote....... somebody.... "Funny ol' world, innit?"

    I just picked up a bottle... had a bad day at work and after work...

    So far I really like it.... smokey flavour... you can taste the molasses as an aftertaste (well,I can)...

    I recommend it as well... Mind you, I'm not a huge drinker, nor ummm... 'Rum Snob'... :blink:


  16. Well, this is a good one!

    As I used to kind of do trekking...

    I have a canvas backpack with a wooden frame, not too big...

    In that goes an extra shirt, wesket, breeches, stockings, musket cleaning supplies (rags and a little bottle of oil), foodstuff, gamebox (has backgammon and checkers, pieces go inside and so does a deck of cards), tankard and or cup, bowl, horn spoon, sometimes an enamel pot ( I have yet to get a period type). bottle of spirits. coil of cecil line. Horn comb, couple lengths of leather thong.

    Tied to backpack; canvas for a shelter and a wool blanket, used to have a duffel bag as well, stuffed with certain things makes a nice pillow. candle lantern

    Depending, I might be wearing a head scarf, shirt and belt over a breech-clout and leather leggings, or breeches and leather leggings, Short jacket or wesket, or capote if cold weather. Tri-corn or cocked hat. Pipe stuck on hat. shoes or moccasins.

    St. Barbara's Medallion

    On belt; cutlass and large knife, small axe (hawk), Cartridge box. maybe pistol.

    Slung over shoulder, leather water canteen, shoulder pouch with gun tools, flint & steel, tow, char-cloth, extra musket flints, compass, spyglass, Tobacco, modern stuff - wallet & ID, maybe cell phone just for emergency use. pocket watch.

    Small powder horn.

    In hand; Musket, used to have a sling so it could be on shoulder.

    small 1st aid kit in the pack

    Now, if I'm doing sailor;

    One sea chest

    Two shirts

    One pair slops

    Two pair stockings



    Belt or two


    Cutlass (if not on my belt)

    Hatchet (hawk)

    Spare tricorn

    knit cap


    Salt-glazed cup

    wooden plate

    wooden bowl

    horn spoon

    folding knife (if not in pocket of short jacket)

    Sgian dubh

    2-3 Bottle(s) of spirits

    Game box



    24 inch rule



    parchment or a ledger

    horn comb

    Charts rolled up if I have them

    Bo'sun call


    extra silk ribbons

    sewing needle and thread

    Fid (if not stuck in a buttonhole on my short jacket)

    Pipe(s) and tobacco (one pipe in hat)

    leather money pouch

    Pistol (if not on my belt)

    Grenado B)

    Fire starting kit (flint & Steel, tow/char-cloth)

    tin with extra musket flints and a piece of slowmatch

    small powder horn

    Candle lantern

    extra candle or two

    coil of cecil line

    couple lengths of leather thong

    Wool blanket

    Foodstuff - apples, baguettes, cheese, maybe sausage...

    small 1st aid kit in the bottom






    shoes (may do rope sandals in lieu of stockings and shoes)

    Wesket or sailor's short jacket

    belt with cutlass and large knife

    Belt with cartridge box and pistol hung on belt hook

    Tricorn or knit cap (need a better one)

    St. Barbara's Medallion

    leather thong with keys to chest lock

    Pocket watch in wesket or jacket pocket

    leather water canteen over shoulder

    In hand;


    I'm probably missing some small items...

    They'll come to me later

    As you can see, the sailor's rig has more stuff.

    I've done both setups and combination of each.

  17. Here-here!

    Sadly, in the past I used to affect the 'Newton Dialect' for such things...

    These days it's an interesting thing. If it is wanted I will add an accent to my character for an event or whatnot.

    I have done what studying I can by listening to the dialects and such from where my character is from.

    In most cases I'll just use a light Irish accent, bordering on Scottish. In some ways think of Sean Connery, He has a light Scots Accent that comes out when angered or emotional.

    Having friends who have traveled and are living abroad I've been complimented on my success at imitating a couple accents.

    Gloswegian, Londinian and Northern Irish and a Frenchman speaking very poor English.

    My two favourite instances of 'tricking' people;

    Many years ago being in a silly mood, I was speaking not cockney, but kinda lower class London. Had a coworker tell me later a gal that was there asked where in England I was from as her boyfriend was from England too...

    This past 4th of July at Fort Niagara, I must have spoken prefect French to a woman asking for an item (I'm attached to a French F&I unit) as she almost didn't know how to respond to what I wanted. The transaction was completed and when I said 'Merci', she stumbled in her response; "Your wel- ah, thank - *smile* "

    Very entertaining...

    Watch foreign films, or just foreign actors, not just in a film but doing interviews as they're not acting but being themselves.

    Try reading books, manuscripts, etc from the period to understand sentence structure... it all adds up...

  18. Aaaaaagh..... Sad... devastatingly sad...

    One less TallShip in the world...

    (removes hat and bows head)


    May it be possible that something is left to be reused and she can and will be rebuilt to her former glory...

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