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Captain Goodwench

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Everything posted by Captain Goodwench

  1. Well, isn't that nice!
  2. Well, here I am, Morgan, doll, In my birthday suit to wish you well!! Where I come from, we give paddy-whacks for every year, and a pinch to grow an inch, so get ready, honey, here I come!!
  3. I've never heard of "Howlin' Gael" but I'll look into it. I'm always looking for interesting music. Lately I've been listening to Le Vent du Nord, Zubot & Dawson, Tanglefoot, and Red Hot CHili Peppers...oh and Tannahill Weavers. All different from each other, but I highly recommend them all. Really good stuff. Especially Tanglefoot, for the mandolin player, *sigh*
  4. And the prize for being King o' the pyrates would be???? Me! The Pirate Queen! LOL
  5. LOL! I have a mental picture of me running to sit on the colour copier , so's I can scan it and post it for your viewing!!
  6. from RosalindaThanks, I'm gonna have nightmares for weeks now!!! That is the most gawd awful and ghastly torture technique I have ever heard of!! Who the Hell thinks up these things!!
  7. Gaelic Storm - you gotta have some of them!!! Was listening to them this morning, checking out their tour schedule, wish they'd come a little closer to me!!!
  8. Damn right it does, and any woman that says any different is a LIAR
  9. Hell, man, it's my ass as got the for sale sign!!! Or does it say 'Kick me' ?
  10. You are a member of Broadsides!! That is way cool! I am a HUGE Tanglefoot fan, and went to Tom Lewis' cd release party to see them, but now I'm a Tom Lewis fan too. He sang a polish version of Stan Roger's 'Northwest Passage', after his performance, it was great! I've bought myself a mandolin because of T'foot's inspiration, (love the long-haired laddies!) Tom let out his queue, it became a mullet!! What a character!
  11. This topic is perfect, and I'm sure I'll find some answers from you all here! I'm developing a story wherein a character, a young girl, is prone to epileptic type fits brought on by staring into the flickering of any open flame. I say sort of like epilepsy (this is fiction), but more like possession, and her animal spirit (in her case a dragon) takes violent control over her. The story is set in a pre-technological society, roughly equivalent to early medieval Europe (northern), and what I'm asking is are you aware of any herbs or other remedies that would control epileptic seizures?
  12. Happy birthday, Kitten, Hope you have many more!!
  13. *Sigh* You've quite a way with words, m'dear, Our kiss has gone to my head, I fear What I meant as a simple lark Has haunted me through night's dark So to all you bonnie men I raise a cheer And pass me, please, another beer! (TeeHee!)
  14. Freedom on the sea Warm salt breeze on naked flesh Warm salt tears of joy Hear the rigging creak Listen to the snap of sails Seabirds wheel and turn Dawn colours the sky No clouds threaten the heavens I'm in Paradise
  15. Check out this site for details:Ontario Renaissance Festival WE'll be there Aug 14 (my birthday). The Rogues are playing. They are a way cool Scottish Piper band from Houston TX (I think it's Houston) Good looking brutes too (Oooo, men in kilts, is it warm in here?) I plan to be there in me pirate gear, as long as my kids aren't too embarrassed. They may duck tape me and leave me in the van if I go too overboard (in their opinion) It's a really good time, folks. Been going for the past few years.
  16. Ahoy there, mates!! When one of you gets yer submarine, will you drop by and take me for a spin?
  17. Hey! Nice ass! Teehee! (Yeah, I just tittered, how unpyratey of me!!) Oh and Happy Birthday!
  18. Mornin' mates!! Me'n cabin boy Will were at the Tom Lewis CD release party at Allen's in Toronto a couple of months back. It was the first time I'd heard him, he was great, especially since TANGLEFOOT (men with long hair, oh baby!) was there singing harmonies for him!! His new CD is called 360 degrees all points of the compass, and it's alot of fun. (So is TANGLEFOOT, I heartily recommend you get all their CD's and see them live!! www.tanglefootmusic.com)
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