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Rebecca Makepeace

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Everything posted by Rebecca Makepeace

  1. If you book early enough, there is lodging in Wilmington, Oh... that's only twenty minutes from site.... specifically the names of the places, I forget... Also, Waynesville, Oh has some places to stay. The website probably has some good suggestions. We're very excited for this year's faire... we'll be the most fearsome pirates ever to ... sail into a landlocked village... hmm... interesting. Till there's nothing left! Rebecca Makepeace, Bosun
  2. Make your sea-faring soul some time to visit the Ohio Ren Festival... notable on 11 and 12 September, 2004, which is Swashbuckler's Weekend. Enjoy the Pirate's Stunt Show located on the Ship Stage... there's nothing like bloodshed, mayhem, and family entertainment to make the rum taste a bit sweeter! Website is www.renfestival.com for ticket and accomodation information!
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