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Katherine "Kat" Adams

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Everything posted by Katherine "Kat" Adams

  1. arrrrrrrrr... Tyrone Power was in the Black Swan.... duh.... some nights it just doesn't pay to get up. no that wasn't a mistake. I'm the resident vampire at work... hmmm... strange picture... a pirate vampire. sounds like a halloween costume in the works to me.
  2. I believe I be agree'n with ye Privateer, Errol Flynn be in some of the best, my favorite of his being the Black Swan. Ye might want to consider Cutthroat Island also. Some of the lines be a bit corny but hey... it still be a good movie.
  3. aye... Doc I do understand what you are saying. I be from central PA... not exactly the history rich area ye be from, and nothing pyratical at all here. The closest Ren Faire be an hour and a half drive.
  4. Phil... I was hop'n to get to meet up with ye at the Fling but hey Pyrate weekend isn't all that far off. Not far off at all considering all I've to do. I've four outfits to make before I can even start on my garb. **sigh** I 'ave no idea what I'll be in yet, depends on what I get me fingers sewing on. I need some new threads desperately. Don't worry, I'll not be telling your parrot he isn't real. I've a monkey that thinks he be real too. Looks a bit like "Jack" in POTC. I'm hoping to head to Sterling next month for a weekend, depends on if I can con someone into heading up there with me or not. Just got word from the Pyrate King .... looks at though, unless things change somehow before next year ... I'll be joining ye at Endless Mountains... seems the pyrates 'ave a new wench... er talent. Now... as for this balloon-fencing.. one never knows. Yours aye Kat
  5. Captain Tito... Sounds like a good time indeed, however with a wee bit o luck I'll be working at PA Renfaire August through October. If I'm not working I may be trying to make me way up. Hopefully I'll know my schedule the end of the month. Then I'll be mak'n plans for the summer and fall. Yours aye Kat
  6. Aye Pirate Phil be right... Pa most definately be "the Landlubber Commonwealth". ... Phil.... will ye be mak'n it to the Celtic Fling? If so we most definately need to figure out a way to meet up there. Yours aye Kat
  7. Ah.... now ye didn't really run into a pole now did ye?! That be me tis me favorite outfit, me own creation I might add. Empty Hats is actually one of the reasons I actually went to that faire, other than the fact that a bad day at faire is better than any day anywhere else. :) I did not realize that Sir Eric and Sir Lucas were the two or two of the top "dogs" but had I realized it I'd have made sure to have given Sir Eric enough of a bad time that he would have really taken notice of me. LOL Might have made a difference in being able to perform there next year. (I've along way to go on my dialog and dialect but hey I'm working on it. But I have the outfits. ) I've an interview for PARF this month so wish me luck. I fear I'll need it. (I'll let everyone know how that goes after.) As for next year at Endless Mountains.... I will most definately be considering signing up. It would be an honor to terrorize the kiddies, and some of the locals **incredibly wicked grin** with ye. Yours aye Kat
  8. Phil... I cannot believe that we were that close and didn't get to meet. **sigh** I stood and watched the Pirate Reprise.... Congrats on the invite back!!! I'd love to be able to be a participant at one of the faires. So did ya happen to see the pirate Cap'n running about with black and red skirts and a red corset and a black tricorn with peacock feathers? I was with me ma so I was on me best behavior. Ok.. except when I was giving Sir Eric a rough time. As for the "locals" I usually consider the source... I do like to get back in their faces on occassion. LOL I'm glad to hear that things are looking up for next year for them. I really think that there is alot of potential for that faire. Hmmmmmmmmmm... may need to check later to see what ones are not coming back... mayhaps there be a hope for me after all. Although I don't know I'm really starting to think maybe the way to go is to can the vendor thing and just try to get a job there. I be attempting to get a job at Pa Ren at the end of the month. At least maybe I can make enough to pay for my gas. Again I'm sorry I missed ye. Yours aye Kat
  9. I be hop'n to set up a website within the next few weeks.... I really need to get this moving.... I need to move some of this inventory. It doesn't look like there will be any more faires for me this year as a vendor.... other than street fairs and lets be real.... pirate hats and the like just aren't street fair material. thanks for the info. yours aye Kat
  10. Phil... I was at Endless Mt. on Sunday... sorry I missed you. I hope you don't mind my adding a bit about what I observed, maybe from a bit of a different perspective. First... as a first year faire, it was, in my lowly opinion a "good" faire with enormous potential. I was to a second year medieval festival last weekend as a vendor, and lost my britches, so as a vendor, let me say that those brave souls deserve my hats off. I did check into it to be a vendor, however all the things that I do, with exception of my hat creations, was well covered therefore I did not persue it further. My hats are not the big money for me at faires and therefore it is not worth the investment for me to pay the vendor fees and motel bills not to mention the gas prices at this time. As for porta johns... well most of the faires that I've been to only have porta johns or very few "real" bathrooms. Locals in garb.... well that takes time... I did get into a confrontation with a "local" over the validity of pirates at the festival..... I tend to take it a bit personal when someone bashes pirates. The shows.... remember it was a first year festival... it takes time. Personally I think a group of Pirates..... should get together and invade!!! and show them what pirates can do. LOL Personally I think this one has a real chance of making it!!!!!!!!!! There were some problems but I guess after last weekend .... this one was a gem. I will go back next year........ Just my lowly opinion...... again... sorry I missed ya.... yours aye Kat
  11. Any suggestions other than e-bay where a "lass" can sell some hats, clothes, boots and accessories. I was hoping to break into the Renfaire curcit but as most are at least 3 to 5 hours drive away it is proving to be a less than practical idea. Now I've got lots of stock and no where to sell. (feels a bit like being all dressed up and having no where to go) I'm hoping to get a website going asap but until then I really need to sell a bit of this stuff. Thanks Yours aye... Kat
  12. I've managed to get to pirate weekend most times myself, even some years both days. :) Poe fest rocks. My nephew and I get to that each year too. This year will be our first year to make it to the fling, so I'm anxious to check it out. Maybe we'll catch up to each other on Pirate weekend at the faire. 'ave a pint on me. Yours aye Kat
  13. 'Ave a pint on me... and here's hoping we'll be able to meet up at the "fling". We've never been to the Celtic Fling.... so we were debating street clothes (civies) or pirate garb. Do they wear garb or not? If all else fails we'll wear civies and take our garb and change in the van. (that'd be a first, yea right, LOL) I gather you are from PA? or close enough to go to PRF on a regular basis? Your's aye Kat
  14. I was just wondering if anyone was headed to the Celtic Fling at Mt. Hope Estate. My nephew and I were planning on attending on Saturday June 26. I'd love to meet up with anyone that will be attending. Yours aye Kat
  15. Thanks so much... I never thought to ask him how he stretched them in the past and as usually happens, now it is too late. Looks like I will be in the market for a hat stretcher asap!!! Thanks again for the info. Yours aye, Kat
  16. Ok... maybe this will sound dumb but I need help. I've been creating hats for years and never really needed to worry about this before, I'm adding to my line to include hats that need blocked to be sized, ie Pirate hats, cavalier hats etc. I've always done my own but paid the price for presized blank, but in the interest of keeping costs down, I need to learn to size them. I know it can be done without all the fance equipment, unfortunately my friend that used to create all our Rev war and furtrade era hats has passed and so I cannot talk to him. I know he sized hats without all the "equipment". I am tenatively going to be vending at a Celtic/Medieval festival in just two weeks and wanted to take some hats along. I can get the blanks in time, unsized or sized but the cost of sized is double making them near impossible to sell once shaped and decorated. I'll stop rambling now. Any help that anyone might be able to give would be greatly appreciated. Your aye Kat
  17. Would anyone from this grand group be headed to the Mystic Realms Renaissance Faire in Pine Hill, NJ next weekend? If so 'ave ye been there in the past? I'd be most interested in talking with anyone who has been there or is going. I be headed there myself on Saturday, first faire of the season for me, although I was to go to one this weekend to check it out for next year, (potential for selling me wears there and all ye know) but due to the unexpected "illness" of me land ship, which will be in "dry dock" for repairs until the begining of the week I'll 'ave to miss that one. yours aye Kat
  18. I be from central Pennsylvania, landlocked. Duncan McGuyver... Southcentral PA ya say.... why lad we practically be neighbors!!! Spend any time at the PA Renfaire? yours aye Kat
  19. Congratulations on such an accomplishment!!! Look forward to seeing your work. yours aye Kat
  20. **sigh** were it only a few years past. 'ad a gude friend, fellow re-enactor that specialized in custom gunsmithing. He made a beautiful period, replica longrifle with silver furnishings for me to give me then husband, incredibly reasonably priced too. Paid a mere 600.00 for that gorgous piece, I am still hopeful that I may get my 'ands on it yet. LOL I'd be 'appy to do some checking around circles 'ere to see if any of the gang are still doing custom work, they were all very reasonable with their prices. If ye'd like me to that is. your aye, Kat
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