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About Shorty

  • Birthday 11/30/1975

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  • Location
    Miami, FL

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  1. I believe the web-site has info on that subject... http://www.piratefair.com
  2. Argh! turns out one of me crew mates found this out and did not tell me I'm think'n we'll be a negoiat'n with the faire If not, then it'd be a nice RAID! See ya there either way!
  3. If'n yar look'n for a inexpensive naval cutlass replica ya kin' find 'em 'ere ... http://www.dixiegunworks.com/product_info....roducts_id=2559 I used this one in several stage combat fights and it holds up nicely especially for the price. Not too flashy though
  4. http://www.stoneage-antiques.com/
  5. I'll keep me eyes on the horizon.. always another gig be wait'n :)
  6. Gives me a weapon and i'll knows how ta use 'er... Being trained in the SAFD(but not certified ) helps ya know how to use most anything, and not hurt anyone
  7. Born in Illinois, but been in Miami, Florida for most of me life
  8. I worked this Festival before.... Had a great time Then again, any time you can fire off your black powder, and say ARGH! every other word is a good time in my opinion
  9. This is the only one i heard of in Tampa.. http://www.gasparillapiratefest.com/ Granted it is a rahter large festival
  10. Them firearms can be a might tricky fly'n with even as luggage. Some airports won't let you padlock gun cases or luggage in general. So flyer beware!
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