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Everything posted by Bloodrose
11 out of 12...missed the dollar sign one...I always thought the dollar sign had two lines through it which were formed from the letters U and S, and then the curve on the U were dropped. I write the dollar sign with two lines through it to this day.
I will have to congratulate you properly at LIPF! Are you a cigar smokin' type of scallywag?
This is most disturbing as the email had important info and there are a number of ye who did not get it... Lucretia (Bo's'n of Ye Pyrate Brotherhood) does say she is missing some emails for vendors and the like so I'll do my best to post here the very important details and I will bring extra parking permits with me. If you do not see yourself or your crew/store/etc on the list please email Lucretia at yepyratebrotherhood at yahoo dot com. I will also make it a point to find her on site Friday and let her know the situation. Here be the letter.... *** Thanks to all who contacted me and corrected info, and thanks to those who offered prizes for the contest. Everyone must know,the following, you can only come in through THE NORTH GATE. the other gates will be closed off. There will be people there on Saturday and Sunday checking. Hickory Arms, and Pirates Way Magazine, please contact me right away about your tent size... Thanks, Lucretia Ye Pyrate Brotherhood <yepyratebrotherhood@yahoo.com> wrote: Ok. We have attempted to put out the vendor list of spaces, are providing you with parking permits for on-site parking, and vendor location numbers. I am missing some vendor e-mails for this information however, and anyone who has them, please let me know. If your space size is wrong, please let me know. Also if I have you listed, and you are not coming, I need to know. Also, this is the tentative list of show-times for the various entertainment. George, I need Karli's e-mail and Shari's. If it is a problem, or you want to perform more or less I need to know that also. Alan, I know you had been working on this, but had some conflicts with Bangers and Mash and Fathom's times. Also the times listed for the costume contests are final, based upon the "dignitaries" coming to judge the contests. If anyone has any ideas how I can get some more prizes for the contests, I would appreciate that also. We will attempt this weekend to go out and get some more, but don't know if that's possible. Thank you Lealand Eve in Sayville for stepping up to the plate... Also, I need to know exactly who is coming when..(ie: Friday night, or Saturday am) We will have someone at the museum from 1 pm on on Friday. Bill and Daniel are doing the airport runs in the afternoon. The museum is having hay delivered for those who requested it, on Friday. Also am working on grills, since we can't have "open" fires. I also need contact numbers for everyone involved. You will be given some kind of identifying band or tag for each member of your group or organization,so will need an accurate listing of everyone. Thank you, Lucretia *** Number VENDOR SPACE TYPE 1 Dragons Paradox 12 x 12 Vendor A-1 Pirates for Sail 10 x 10 Perfomers/Encampment 2 Stone & Bone Trading 10 x 10 Vendor 3 Strong Sword 10 x 10 Vendor 4 Henna Rising 10 x 10 Vendor A-2 Bawdy Buccaneers 10 x 20 Performers/Encampment A-3 Brigands 10 x 20 Performers/Encampment 5 Fairie Taylor 11 x 18 Vending 6 Silvermane 10 x 20 Vending 7 Mountain Rogues 10 x 10 Vending 8 Hickory Arms 10 x 10 Vending 9 Shire Attire 10 x 10 Vending 10 Planet Amazonia 10 x 10 Vending A-4 Valhalla Pirates 20 x 30 Encampment A-5 Sea Rats Atlantic 20 x 30 Encampment 11 Medieval Mayhem 10 x 10 Vending 12 Long Island Lighthouse 10 x 20 Non-Profit/Vending ?? 13 KnightShade Leather 10 x 20 Vending A-6 Ye Pyrate Brotherhood 30 x 50 Performance stage/Encampment 14 Star Treatment 10 x 10 Vending A-7 The Hostel 10 x 20 Assistance A-8 Crimson Pirates 10 x 10 Sunday Only 15 Long Island Martime Museum 10 x 10 Non-profit 16 Sayville Chamber of Commerce 10 x 10 Non-Profit 17 18th Century Games 20 x 20 Performance 18 Star Stuff 4 sale 10 x 10 vending 19 Ragrugs 10 x 10 ??? 20 Pyrates Way Magazine 10 x 10 ??? 21 Huntington Lighthouse 10 x 10 Non-Profit 22 Fire Island Lighhouse 10 x 10 Non-Profit A-9 Scupper 10 x 30 Encampment A-10 Zee-Wolves 10 x 20 Vending/Encampment ?? A-11 Capt. Blythe 10 x 10 Encampment A-12 Midnight Rose & Devils’ Chariot 13 ft round Encampment 23 Valhalla Pirates 10 x 10 Vending 24 Pirates Way Magazine ??? Vending/promoting
3 words: Pyrat XO Reserve.
Any updates on this?
I was kinda hoping he'd pick up on this post
MadL - you are right, it is hard to see. The current flag has a horned skeleton in a chariot holding a pitchfork in one hand and an hourglass in the other. The wheel you see is the wheel of the chariot. There is also a moon and star. Hardest to see is the stack of cannonballs at the bottom left of the chariot. Rumba - I definitely like the idea of making the flag red, as he is Captain RHEDD, and he did say he wanted something different than the norm. Losing the moon and star is definitely an option as he wants it to be simple and recognizable. Thank you both for weighing in - now, do ye know anyone who might be able to draw this up?
No problem, Capt. Thighbiter. I know you and YPB must be busy...so I'm helping where I can. I'm local, so if you guys need anything, please let me know. Capt. Rhedd and I will be there Friday evening to set up our tent and we plan on camping Friday night, weather permitting. I'm sure we'll be able to help out with other stuff at that time. And Capt. - I hope ye left room for some more rum this coming weekend...I have a feeling there will be copious quantities of said elixir present...
Ahoy! I was wondering if any of you artistic types might want to take a crack at this one. My fellow Long Island Captain, Captain Rhedd, is looking for new colors for his ship, the Devil's Chariot. His crew has a few events this season and could benefit with having a new flag. I have seen many good designs come out of the Pub and was wondering if any of you are so inclined to help. Here's a picture of Rhedd and his old flag - done up at the last minute and way too busy, but you get the idea (he's on the right). Any help would be much appreciated. Many thanks!
I almost forgot - the email also had attached a parking permit which all vehicles must display to park in the performer/entertainer/vendor/staff parking area.
Darrike - there was an email sent to all participants. The Zeewolves are listed in the space allocation as vendors and encampment. PM me your email address and I'll forward it to you. Hawkyns - the Mermayde was NOT listed in the space allocation - you should probably contact Ye Pyrate Brotherhood ASAP. Their address is yepyratebrotherhood at yahoo dot com. You and everyone who is attending with you must be on the official list for ID and to camp. As far as the schedule of entertainment, all I have is an unofficial list, and I am unsure if it is to be released as public knowledge. I will say that as of right now the Crimson Pirates are only scheduled for Sunday.
Darrike - an email has gone out with all the information regarding spacing, etc. Did you get it? Also, if anyone needs any info regarding the local area while at the Festival, just ask. My crew isn't vending or performing, just having a presence and interacting with the crowd, so we don't really have a set schedule. We will be available to help those who need it. Except when Strike the Bell is performing, then you can find me there. :)
Fantastic! Yes, it's a period 13' round tent complete with pirate pennant on top, luxurious accomodations for 2 pirate captains. The tent takes a good half an hour for us to set up and I'd rather struggle with it on Friday in my civvies than try to do it Saturday morning in garb. Cheers!
Does anyone know if participants are allowed to go on site early (preferably Friday afternoon) to set up tents in the period camp? Also, are we allowed to camp on site Friday night as well as Saturday?
Holy crap, 10k attendance!!! That would be awesome! I'm so proud to be part of this!
Now that's my two very favorite piratical music acts at the Festival - Strike the Bell AND The Crimson Pirates! ::overcome with fangirlishness, faints:: ::wakes up:: My crew and I are VERY excited!
Hey, I know that guy Jack Shit too! But he's French...Jacques le Merde...
For the period camp site, I mean...
It's a canvas 13' foot round, that's no good? I hope so...we paid good money for it. Bought it from midwesttent.com
Capt. Thighbiter, The pavilion we have is a 13 foot round. Is that OK? CB
Great news, Captain, thanks! I spoke via messenger to the ship's cooper of YPB and we straightened everything out. I also offered my help if the festival needs it.
He doesn't have it listed in his profile, but it's Captain Rhedd's birthday tomorrow, the 19th. If ye don't know who he is, he just introduced himself to the pub, go an' look. Happy birthday, Rhedd! My gift to you is I'll take tomorrow off from sailin' the Sound...it's all yours for the day! Cheers, mate!
Merrydeath - I'm not part of his crew, I'm a fellow (tho he may say rival) Captain in the Long Island area. Jus' welcomin' him to the pub an' remindin' him to stay clear o' me ship! There's only so much plunder in these waters!
Capt Thighbiter - I emailed YPB at yepyratebrotherhood@yahoo.com but have gotten no response. Did you receive a further updated list with both the Midnight Rose and the Devil's Chariot on it? If not I will have to try again. I'm all giddy about my ship being listed on the site, BTW. I've shown EVERYBODY! Thanks! I'm very excited about the festival being on my home soil. If there's anything I can do to help I will do it.
Good to see that my fellow Long Island captain has finally made his presence known. Just mind ye don't encroach on me sailin' space. The Sound ain't THAT big, ye know. But me guns are! I'll take a rum and coke made with that Pyrate XO Reserve, Ray. That stuff is mighty good! An' leave the bottle.