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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. They skew the odds by using 24 symbols instead of 10. So the probability shrinks to less than 1 in 4 of getting it right. The House always stacks the odds in it's favour. :)
  2. To date, the only comments anyone's made about my garb was by a fellow that called his own a "tragic collision of Captain Hook and Liberace." Mine is very understated, and works well for me. No elaborate story, no justifications. People look at me and say "Look! A pyrate!" I give the kiddies a coin or two, pose with the ladies for a photo, and life's good. If the beer vendors refuse to serve me at first, it's a compliment to my wife and clothier, Janelle (who's a huge fan of Kass!). :) And yes, I wear bucket boots! I own and show horses, so it's legal, yeah?
  3. Sounds like fun, Hawkyns! My horse, Ace, and I are ready to sign up! :)
  4. I know a couple of Hawaiian words, thanks to my brother being deployed there. I can speak Spanish, Russian, and some French. And I can read some ancient Egyptian, if I dig out my lexicons. Пожалуйста дайте мне больше рома!
  5. Nah, mate. I'm a transplant from the Deep South. I thought "Fargo" was funny as hell, especially when my wife kept asking what I was laughing about!
  6. I'm a "Red-stater" living in Minnesota. What do you think? :)
  7. I had to pull out an old programming book to get the answer. The duplication of symbols was the tip-off. :) I wonder if I still have my old Tarot cards....
  8. Ya just know someone will try running with those... :)
  9. Myself missing notes on this #@%*ing recorder!
  10. Sorry to hear you're still under the weather, Christine. Lot's of healing thoughts coming your way! :) For all those interested, here's the site for the Alabama Renaissance Faire. It's small, but seems to be run by an enthusiastic lot. Should be fun, 'cause we're gonna make it fun! I'm feeling a bit giddy today. The snow's mostly gone, and the geese are starting to return. Spring's right around the corner! :)
  11. Silkie, you're exactly right. Here's how the numbers play out: 00 - 0 = 0 01 - 1 = 0 02 - 2 = 0 ... 10 - 1 = 9 11 - 2 = 9 .. 19 - 10 = 9 20 - 2 = 18 21 - 3 = 18 .. 29 - 11 = 18 30 - 3 = 27 .. 99 - 18 = 81 See the pattern? The answer is always: x*10 + y - (x+y) = x*9, where x,y is a whole number from 0 to 9. Therefore, the possible answers are some factor of 9 (0,9,18,27,36,..,81), for a possible total of 10 answers. The orb has a 1 in 10 chance of getting the answer right. Now, I need some rum. That's too much math for one morning.
  12. Zealots, no matter what for they take, can be incredibly amusing. :)
  13. But, Kass....! OK, I'll quit whining. For now.
  14. Welcome aboard! Jack's me name, and rum's me game! :)
  15. We'll be there all day Saturday in downtown Florence, though I'm certain they're not a bit ready for me and the wifey, much less yourself joining us! What a hell of a party that would be! With any luck, we'll get the locals to buy Janelle's most excellent garb. :)
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