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Everything posted by hengishammer

  1. Well, you have to consider --yes it is a video game. But we are trying to be as real as possible within reasonable limits. I just dont see how a pirate would run around Lugging a Keg of Powder on his back with a lit slowmatch in one hand, juggling his cutlass, and flintlocks. Where does he stick the lit slowmatch while wielding his cutlass? Its on fire! For practical purposes it would suit us just to have the pirate fire at the fuse in order to get it lit for a slow--timed light. alternatively, he can just shoot the keg and have it explode immediately.
  2. Thanks guys! The last 2 posts were particularly helpful:) I think we will go with the last suggestion:) Something quick that could light a keg without carrying around a slowmatch. Check us out form time to time! www.pvkii.com
  3. Thanks for the many responses chaps! The reason why Im asking is because we are making a mod for Halflife 2 called Pirates, Vikings & Knights 2. www.pvkii.com Theres a character on the pirate team who runs around and drops a keg of blackpowder to explode as one of his weapons. The thing is, would he carry a flint device to light the keg or would he just shoot the bloody thing to make it explode? Matches werent around during the golden age of pirates, thats why I want to seek an alternative. It would need to be something portable. Any input on this? I appreciate all the info
  4. How did pirates start fires if matches weren't invented back then? Did they use a flint striking tool or some other method ? I need pictures if anyone can point me in the right direction! Thanks!
  5. Thanks much Trapper!!
  6. Anyone familiar with the theme from Popeye the cartoon? Well before the actual popeye the sailor man song starts, in the old cartoons, there was a small song part that played before the popeye song kicked in. Does anyone know what that song is??? I'm pretty sure its a pirate song, or sea-faring song. If not, then its probably a folk tune of some sort. I cant find a song clip to link what I'm talking about, nor do I have a title to what that first song is. All I know is that I have heard it in other places before as its own song. I am involved in making a video game called Pirates, Vikings, and Knights, 2, which is a game that pits all 3 groups against one another. I need to identify what that song is because I want to use it for the pirate team as a song they use. If anyone knows anything about this--it would be greatly appreciated. Or perhaps a suggestion for a really upbeat pirate song that they would be fighting to. Also you can check us out here for those interested:) http://www.pseudoexistence.com/pvkii/news.shtml Thanks! and ARRR!!!
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