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Captain Luigi

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Everything posted by Captain Luigi

  1. Argggghhhhh Angus! Ye be attracin pirates from all over. Job well done.
  2. Sorry to hear that...will have a drink just for you. I'll have a shot and toast all of ya that can't be there. Sure was hoping to meet a lot of you there.
  3. AAAAhhhhhhh...nothin like a moonlight walk on da plank wiht yer favorite wench of the week, listenen to the cannons booming in the background...hearing the screams of a poor lad being keel hauled off the horizon.
  4. Captweaver, I know a harlot or two dat leave ya a right fishy smell as well. Back to Capt. Scarlett though...whata could we do fer her fer being da 100th member? Maybe a moonlight walk on the plank fer two... how about a coupon fer one free keel hauling... some other sugestions???????
  5. Astroglide?! Who needsa dat. Justa do it like da old days. A barrel, some rope, and a bit a whale oil anda your good da go.
  6. There goes Tiny Williams showing off his wide vocabulary
  7. Cabin boy or cabin girl...don't they all sqeal the same? Asa for Evil Tiny...I don'ta want to geta rid of him. Tiny Williams though....
  8. Welcome Caaptain Scarlett. I think as the 100th member don't you receive a complementry cabin boy.
  9. Argh Captweaver...I'ma loven da joke about da five men and a woman. Coulda use some ofa dat therapy ya speaken of. As for cabin boys me thinks I'va wore my out. He's a scotish young lad named Phil McCrack in
  10. Ahoy! Any good Itailian sea shanties. I would like to entertain me crew some evening.
  11. Captweaver, Glade you got to check out da site. You are right 'bout da music. Gonna talk to theweb master 'bout dat. We will be posting our black powder saftey course on it soon too.
  12. Captweaver65, I've a gotta say you are sick anda twisted. I like it!
  13. Pistols or cuttlas witha Tiny Williams? Ha!!! He's agotta hard enough time with those pots anda pans. We keepa him for goda humor
  14. Here's a question me crew 'n I coulda notta answer. Who came first...da Captain or da Cabin boy?
  15. Grazie Mauimermaids. I added you site to me log book. Shall visit again soon. :)
  16. Argh!!!!! Luigi will be happy to share his powder with any pirate who willa share their rum. Itsa all about teamwork.
  17. With da winds to our backs, our guns a loaded, and a bottle of rum in our hands theres nothin as stoppin us.
  18. I stand corected Captain Flint. I shall document this in me log book for future reference. Thank ye. As for Tiny very few can understand him Arghhhh, me thinks he speaks only with his mouth full. Before hewas promoted to ships cook he use to be my cabin boy. hehehe
  19. Ahoy Booga, From past experience bring lots of black powder and plenty of rum. The last weekend is the biggest for plunderen, pillagen, and endulging in rum festivities. Argh..tis a wonderous time. Plenty of cabin boys for every one.
  20. I think the game "Twister" Imagine the fun you and the crew could have with a couple of drunk harlots and a cabin boy or two....
  21. What kind of booty would a Swiss pirate plunder?
  22. Angus, I checked out your site. My first impression....wow. Well done. The front page rocks. Look forward to sailing through it again soon, Luigi
  23. First to Captain Flint, Thank you for the welcome. Looks like a wonderfull place to meet new friends and find old ones. I all ready see a couple familiar pirates. To Evil Tiny, We have a ships cook by the name of Tiny Williams. He is not really evil but his cooking sure is. (I hope he doesn't see this).
  24. I have been performing stage combat since 1988. I have never been fond of star fire weapons but their cutlass is nice. I bought one three years ago and it has held up nice. Well built and good balance. They also make a matching boarding dagger as well. A couple others in our group purchased them as well and seem happy with them. Good luck in your serch.
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