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Captain Luigi

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Posts posted by Captain Luigi

  1. If'n any of you live or move ot the west coast of Florida I belong to a piratical reenacting group called "West Coast Mutineers". This piratical group spawned off from my group "Futures Past" which performs Meieval /Renn faires and improv shows around Florida. I've been pushing our pirate group director to move toward more historical teachings as I do with my group in history, stage combat, speech, etc. Learning yer way around a ship, sea faren terminology, navigating, famous pitates, etc. is what we are now teaching. Would love to share ideas to improv our pirate group.

    Captwilliam...I direct a human chess match at our Medieval faires. Never seen one done at a pirate festival though. Thinking of doing one here some day. A way to settle a quarrel between two Captains and crews. Whatchya think? :ph34r:

  2. My told me I was a pirate and my name is "Captain Jack Vain". Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. You tend to blend into the background occaisionally, but that's okay, because it's much easier to sneak up on people and disembowel them that way. Arr!

  3. The following tasks will need be performed at the audition at Billy's...

    The cross the bar walk on yer knees race.

    Dance on a barrel contest.

    See who can stuff the most grapes in thier mouth.

    See who can do the best boot spit shine.

    and finaly the beer fetching obstical course.

    See you in Key West :P

  4. I will be holding auditions at Billie"s bar in Key West during the Festival.

    By the way Capt. Roberts...I'm not sure that you know what cabin boy duties really are. Sounds to me like you are applying for the Quarter mast position.

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