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Black Jack Ryan

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About Black Jack Ryan

  • Birthday 05/22/1963

Profile Information

  • Location
    Neptune Beach Florida
  • Interests
    -Retired U.S. Navy<br>-U.S. Army Airborne graduate<br>-Qualified Naval Parachutist<br><br>-PADI Open Water Diver<br><br>-Howard Pyle affectinado.<br>-Mermaids... I love Mermaids, Well they hate me, sultry sirens of the deep using their wiles to lure a sailor against the rocks.... Still I love them so any misfortune is my own...
  1. I be wantin' to see graphic representations of this event!
  2. I picked up 4 packs yesterday!I love this game! The guy who runs my favorite comic shop had a surplus of them. This is a great game. I like how after playing you can dismantle your ships and erratta and place them back in the card they came from. I played on the dining room table last night and it can get quite tactical.
  3. Arghh... This weekend isn't going to happen.. nor the next few. Turns out I am the only costumer at the theater I just started volunteering at and I have to crank out about 15 ensembles by the end of the month. (9 of those being Caribbean influanced Tudors. Don't ask.)
  4. This is such a good thread. I feel my artiste coming out!
  5. There is no place that I can't call home There is no place I won't dwell. Where the wind blows, and the current flows I find myself one happy buccaneer... Neptune Beach, Florida.
  6. I love this pattern. So far it's the best looking pirate pattern I seen in wide commercial distribution. I am impresed with the detailing that went into including the breeches. I just have to decise on materials and I'll probably have one sewn up by next weekend.
  7. Aye.... I may be makin' me journy there too.
  8. Very Nice Joe. Me thinks I am going to have to get a bit more motivated.
  9. Arrgghhh..... if only I still lived in Virginia...
  10. I love ya lads n' lassies! Keep up thee good werks!
  11. Aye it'll be a blast!
  12. Hardy Harrrr!!!!!!!! make me want to be a lil' un again or set sail fer Cali! Well met all the way around!
  13. n' they have the bikini the drawn lassie is a sportin' also.
  14. Aye.... either works fer me.
  15. 'appy birthday to ye' 'appy birthday to ye' 'appy birthday Missy 'appy birthday to ye!!!!
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