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Everything posted by blackbeards_ghost

  1. Cool! I'm not going to be able to make Comi Con, unfortunately. I'm moving back to the East Coast to do some ghost hunting. If you're into that sort of thing, you can find out more here: www.spidergates.com Wish I could go, but I'm going to tour the East Coast Cons this year, hopefully.
  2. I'll find out exactly where Sliver is going to be and let you know, k? :)
  3. Actually, the artist for Deadlight Studios' Blood Wind is going to be there handing out some promo stuff. Her name is Silvia Flores AKA Sliver, and she is a super talented artist!! You can see one of her paintings on the projects page for Blood Wind on the site. Look her up and tell her the Cap'n sent ya.
  4. If everything goes right (cross your fingers), Diamond Distribution will be distributing it, so there will be no problem there! Diamond is the #1 comic distributor in the world (in case you didn't know).
  5. It's currently in production, but you can look for it in August.
  6. Aye, that be true, mateys! And if yer wanting to check it out, please direct yer attention here: http://www.deadlightstudios.com/ It's called DEADMEN Tell No Tales, a 12 issue limited series coming soon to a comic book shop near you!
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