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Everything posted by blackbeards_ghost

  1. Thank ye very kindly!! Issue 1 will hit the stands in June, with subsequent issues to hit the retail market bi-monthly after issue 1's release. Actually, you can get it from your local comic book store, or you will be able to pre-order it from Arcana Studio very shortly. I'll be sure to post an announcement when the issue is available for pre-order purchase. Thanks again!!
  2. That's right, mateys! An' ye can lay yer deadlights on it here: www.arcanastudio.com/deadmen/
  3. Thanks, Dumbass Turtle and Captain MacNamara!! The mini-site for Dead Men Tell No Tales can be found here: www.arcanastudio.com/deadmen/ I really appreciate everyone's support!! :) Also, our first Dead Men tale will appear in the "Heroes Helping And Healing: Hurrican Relief Anthology" which will be available through Diamond within the next couple months!! I'll post the order info here as soon as I have it!
  4. Aye!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAwesome!!!
  5. To take that even further: if it weren't for Photo Shop, many artists would be out of a job!!
  6. Bess, you knew that pirate??!! Capt. Z: either pastel or Photo Shop. It is totally amazing what they can do with Photo Shop nowadays!!!
  7. Cool, Charity!! Hope you dig it.
  8. I'll drink ta that!!! Cool Gorillaz pic on your sig, btw. :)
  9. I hear 'ya, Capt. Z!! I originally penned the first issue over a year ago. I am MORE than ready to see this hit the stands!!! :)
  10. If you look in the dictionary under "comic publishers," you will find the words "slow," and "noncommittal." But we've gotten through the initial waiting time and are now in the secondary waiting time.
  11. I'm so glad ye like it!! This book is going to be a four issue mini-series in full color. Release tentatively scheduled for January 2005.
  12. Thanks, mateys!! I'll update this post as news from the publisher becomes available!
  13. Here she be, mateys!! Issue 1's beautiful cover by the black dog Breehn Burns!!! I hope ye like it!! Ye can also find much more info about the book at www.deadlightstudios.com 's forum!! Hope to see ye there!! :)
  14. Glad you like it! Hopefully, publishers will agree with you.
  15. It goes out to several comic publishers tomorrow. I will update here, and you can also join the forum over at www.deadlightstudios.com to get news on DEADMEN and our other horror books.
  16. Aye, lads and lasses!! And it be right here: http://deadlightstudios.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=85
  17. Wartooth, depending on the publisher's wishes, I plan on selling special copies of issue 1 on our site: www.deadlightstudios.com . We have a forum also, so if you join, you will find out news as it happens. It's a small community over there, but I'm the only pirate and could use some company. That goes for all you cutthroats!
  18. Thanks, Nigel! I will indeed post here when we find out the publishing date of the book!!
  19. Thanks, Bess! Yes, my life is very industrious these days! Thanks for the kind words!!
  20. We just updated our guest gallery over at www.deadlightstudios.com at the guest gallery! Lots of new pieces!! Please take a second to check it out. Thank ye.
  21. Katie, They don't work together. Quite the opposite! Do you refer to www.spidergates.com ? That's my other baby. :)
  22. Thank ye! The inker is working like a mad dog to finish the pages and send them to the colorist. We are really hoping that this book has the mass appeal of Pirates of the Caribbean. There's a little bit 'o everything in it. :)
  23. No problem, Cap'n Grey! I don't mind. Cap'n Wench (seems funny writing that hehehe), you said that some of the pictures were odd? Maybe Blackbeard's dreadlocks, or the weird Kidd first sketch are kind of different. When I told the artist that I wanted BB to have dreadlocks, he said "What are dreadlocks?" And yes, my favorite character is Han Solo. :)
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