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Janette Morgan

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Everything posted by Janette Morgan

  1. You mean they're actually going to do this? What is Disney coming to? Then again... *remembers Star Wars' Droid Adventures*
  2. Ah, it's quite simple -- she grew him back from his boots. (I derive this absurd notion from Curse of Monkey Island, in which the deceased Captain LeChuck's boots were picked up by a crew of pirates; LeChuck was summarily resurrected from those same boots for reasons not entirely known to me. I think it had to do with a voodoo cannonball.) Reminds me of the captain of the Never Land in the book "Peter and the Starcatchers". He had absolutely no idea how to run a ship, so he wound up bellowing such things as "AVAST THE MAIN MIZZEN!" (I'd love to hear Depp spout that one.)
  3. I tend to think that any kind of Nick sitcom would be a BAAAAAD idea. Unless they merged it with "Genie in the House", in which case... It might be so hilariously stupid that I would watch it! Teenage Jack Sparrow versus Adil... Then perhaps I'm not the only one who, when Aragorn demands "What say you?" is overcome with the urge to holler "Aye"? It seems such an uncanny parallel.
  4. Of course! You put the thump-thump in the dirt to keep Jones from getting at it! It all makes sense now.
  5. OY! That be tragedy at its most tragic.
  6. I'm afraid I'd sooner sleep next to a pistol than a cardboard man. I mean, you know, pistols are just a lot smaller and have several fewer sharp angles, and you don't tend to see them in Wal-Mart and wonder how the heck they got there. (Doesn't keep me from drooling in the stores, though.) No Sun Coast here; too bad, really. The best we've got is a Pirate's Plunder, and that's about six hundred miles away from where I live. (So naturally, whenever I can get there I loot the place, but their life-sized pirates aren't for sale.)
  7. I wish more men would turn to the way of beards. They be so darned sexy. I will definitely get the DVD... if I have any plunder left after seeing the movie. I know; it's really amazing how many things you get only the second (or third, or fourth) time... especially if the last time you watched it was before your neurons really started to kick in.
  8. Sounds like you ran into the Worst Landlubbers In The World.
  9. My sister got heatsick once -- playing in a park on my eighth birthday. If you can get to one, I reccommend a cool bath, or at least a visit to a bathroom spigot. (Wetting your face can be helpful.) And bear in mind your feet -- shoes + heat can toast you pretty well. And for goodness' sakes, if you start to feel heatsick, take it easy. Your body's under enough stress just trying to keep you cool.
  10. Ah, yes, the infamous Throw-Back Dialogue. That happened in the Monkey Island series quite frequently, and served as an excellent in-joke for those who had played previous games. Speaking of critics-as-decor, have you seen Muppet Treasure Island? Statler and Waldorf play a part very close to what you've described. I think the Disney Adventure comics had a hand in that. And another question: How many of us realized that Norrington was already yummy-looking in the first film? (And did anyone else think Barbossa was hot?)
  11. I can't say they're especially talented, but they're pretty darn funny. I'm afraid I have little experience in pirate music, but one song in particular holds a small place in my heart. The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Choose a music video and laugh away.
  12. I will definitely be waiting awhile, though I have little intention of holding out for six months until it comes to the dollar theatre. (Sadly, the rest of me crew has more patience than I, and so I am saddled with the job of paying for admission.) As for costumes, I really wanted to, but I lack many of the resources neccesary. So I'll probably just wear me "Pirate's Plunder" tee from Newport, Oregon. Warning people about a tidbit after the credits is in no way jerkism. While it is irritating to have someone tell ye what the good bits are while you're WATCHING the film, I do find myself telling some people to watch when they look away during a particularily entertaining bit -- which only happens at home, and never while seriously watching a movie. Nobody told ye what was in the bit, so there's no reason to be all upset about it. Although it can be terribly satisfying to discover these things for yourself.
  13. Well, I kin't say as I get throwed out real often, though I do have a habit of waiting for the lights. Guess I'll be hanging around for sure, if I manage to scrape together enough plunder to go.
  14. I now have info on a pirate shop... thank ye all for yer help!
  15. Hmm... these are pretty good, but I'm under eighteen, so I can't order online. I need a walk-in shop, preferably somewhere in Newport, OR. And I don't think I'd really want to try steaming a hat... sounds dangerous.
  16. A big, ugly MAN doll! Ooh, he needs a makeover! Pretty dangerous-lookin' guy ye got there. Best not be crossin' him.
  17. Where is Lady Snoodes?
  18. I was wondering if there was anyone who knew if there is a store anywhere in Oregon where I can find a cheap tricorn. If not, it's no big deal, but I'd like to get one.
  19. I just gone an' looked 'em up on me DVD... wish I'd thought of lookin' fer stuff like that! Methinks the Keith Richards one was a bit too short.
  20. Hmm... I hadn't known that. Need to brush up on me history more.
  21. Get a jar o' mustard and make him eat it Get a jar o' mustard and make him eat it Get a jar o' mustard and make him eat it 'Till he comes back 'round Tell him, no more brownies 'till he's sober Tell him, no more brownies 'till he's sober Tell him, no more brownies 'till he's sober And drop 'em overboard Take him and drop him through the Stargate Take him and drop him through the Stargate Take him and drop him through the Stargate Pretend you didn't know Tie him to the plank and let him dangle Tie him to the plank and let him dangle Tie him to the plank and let him dangle Let him watch the sharks How be these, mates? Do I get the job?
  22. I'm not exactly positive what the name's meanin' is... I was kinda hopin' ye wouldn't be askin'. The Ceberus were a prison transport ship in some Scottish islands.
  23. *Glugs free Diet Rite* Happy birthday, O Jack Sparrow the Nth!
  24. *Scribbles in coal* There once was a lass named Janette, Who with Cowan lad made a bet. If the crewmen played drums, She would try Cowan's rum. The poor maid hasn't recovered yet.
  25. How about Ceberus? It's Scottish.
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