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Darrel Morris

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Everything posted by Darrel Morris

  1. I've been asked to post some photos of my scrimshaw. Here are a few. I hope you like them.
  2. I'll post some images in the Thieves Market, but for now there are a couple of pictures posted by Oderlesseye in The Workshop. I think the thread is titled I've Been Immortalized.
  3. That's the best way. Read up on it for a while then just do it.
  4. Captain Rackham, I would love to talk scrimshaw sometime. I've worked in isolation for twenty years so I'm thrilled with being able to connect with other scrimshanders.
  5. Have you made any hats before? There is a ton of info on Pyracy Pub about making hats...The nice thing is if it doesn't come out the way you want you can always redo it. So I guess the best tip is "Don't worry too much".
  6. Thanks. I'm not really sure how to convince your wife since my wife loves to go to Faires. She loves the attention that she gets, and the flirting...She gets so much attention that she doesn't even object to my flirting with beautiful young women like the one in this photo. By the way...she's wearing the very first hat that I ever made.
  7. Thanks for the warm welcome. I'll post some pictures in the Thieves Market, but for the time being you can see my work on Facebook at Morris Design Studio.
  8. Hello everyone. I'm a new member although I've frequently visited this site in the past. I'm a pirate from Riverside, California. My family is relatively new to pirate reenacting, we started last summer and have been hooked ever since. I make hats and do fine art scrimshaw full time. The folks that we've met at Faires have all been amazing so I thought I'd join the forum to meet more pirates. I'm looking forward to meeting you all. Darrel Morris
  9. Here is a picture of my garb. It is a work in progress. The embroidered waistcoat is next...
  10. Yes. You can practice scrimshaw on most plastics. Plastic spoons are a popular choice for teaching children to scrimshaw. The word originated on board whaling ships but the art of engraving bone and ivory goes back to the stone age. I can't say if this art was practiced on board ships during the GAoP but the tools and materials have pretty much always existed so it wouldn't surprise me if it was. It would be dificult to prove though. But remember that the fact that there is no surviving examples doesn't mean it wasn't done. It just means that no examples have survived that can be documented to have originated on a pirate ship.
  11. I am a pirate from Southern California. I make handmade hats that I sell at local faires. I also create original scrimshaw.

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