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Everything posted by BLACK SKOT

  1. RUM CAKE?!?!
  2. ye can gets arrested fer that! Oh...ye meanin' plunder!!! I was thinkin' (_i_) BOOTIE!
  3. NO......It will not sail. The PIRATE'S RANSOM was custom designed and built to U.S. Coast Guard requirements for the owners in 1993. The vessel is certified to carry 125 passengers. Its overall length is 70'5", beam 20'3", and draft of 5'5". The power is that of twin 671 Detroit Diesels 180 hp each with two Northern Lights 60 kw generators. The ship is equipped with all of the latest life saving equipment, including life jackets, life rafts, and ship-to-shore radio. Clean men's and women's restrooms are on board. It is also equipped with a professional sound system with a large variety of C.D. and cassette music for your listening pleasure.
  4. Well.....Sounds like no one uses it anyway.
  5. This is kind of cool even though it's not a true sailing ship. Capt. Memo's Pirate Cruise
  6. Every flippin time I try to go to the chat room my PC freezes! I added more memory and everything!
  7. Oooh...Nice hat!
  8. All black of course!
  9. Happy birthday Red Bess For on this day ye can out do the rest blow out yer candles, and drink some rum Make this day a special one!
  10. Oh my God...That guy didn't pull the plug did he?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  11. *Looks both ways, then steps in when no one is looking* *Reaches down and slowly pulls out his......dagger* (Thinks) *"Hmmm, don't feel too poetic today"* *Starts carving waffle patterns in the seat so everyone gets "waffle ass"* *Snickers and sneaks back out*
  12. Cowboys don't have swords!
  13. Oh sounds like good times indeed! Wish we had somehin' goin on like that here.... Drink plenty of water and rest yerself.....sounds like ye needs it!
  14. Arrrrrr......Yes. Do have a good one!
  15. Good deals on handmade pyrate items are always welcome! It be about the only way I can afford to get em. I've made me own tricorn hat and Waist coat...Now I be gettin ready to work on me baldric. The only thing I purchased as-is were me boots and shirt! (Total of $85) Oh yea....me sword was $20. and dagger was $15. Ok...that be it.
  16. Just keep on postin' the news. ye know I be plannin' to be thar!
  17. A grog on me says I.......
  18. I sees what all the yappins about then. Ye be havin me envious congrats on yer most interesting employment! I be wantin to get in all me life...Oh well. Not meant to be I guess.
  19. Don't mean to bother ye, but could one a ye fill me in on what Bess has to do with POTC? Sort of new at the pub and never figured it out.
  21. Just be thinkin' in me head...... What would a coat like that cost a simple pirate like me?
  22. *BLACK SKOT stomps his boot up on the edge O' the bar and looks around at everyone in the pub * Let me tell ya thar Mori....Thers more than one way to skin a cat. That's all I got ta say bout that. If ye wants to be in an all gay crew, then keep at it. Ye be findin' yer gay maties. If ye wants to be with whatever crew you can find.....Then let it be. Maybe thar be some mates still in the closet! Either way...Do what you feel in yer gut. What? Me? Sorry, No....not gay. Happy........not gay. Married to a beautiful woman. Good luck with yer choices.
  23. Here's to ye JAck!
  24. Didn't wear yer SLICKER?
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