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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. Trading Spouses (a guilty pleasure of mine) Trading Spouses
  2. Why buy a pig when all you want is a little sausage. (Thanks to Iron Bess for that one!)
  3. Here is the pin chase game from the Tallship Rose Organization. Tallship Rose Pin Chase Game
  4. Yes, he was very cute in that too!
  5. Most likely for me it would be.... "Get the hell out of my way or I'll run you through!" Oh wait, that is what I say to the kids.
  6. Captain Jack Sparrow and tied to MY bed!
  7. It's sampling the song "If I were a rich man" from the musical "Fiddler on the roof". Always kinda of had a thing of Topov who sang the song in the movie version. I thought he would make a good pirate. Here's sample you can here from a different baritone doing the song. If I were rich man mp3 sample
  8. Well, they have picked their pirate. Rum Annie Flint of Pirates-n-Plunder of Whittier Pirates-n-Plunder has been picked to have her house made over by Steve Watson and his band of contractors. Filming is sometime in August (hot time for a remodel). Let's all wish Rum Annie Flint fair winds and calm seas on her new adventure with Monster House.
  9. Huzzah, Mate! Fair winds and calms seas. Bring back goodies to share with yer friends here at the pub when ye can.
  10. My sister, who has cerbral palsy, wears her purse over her should like a baldric. I made her a black one but didn't embelish it because we where it to a renfaire where she is a member of the sponsoring elizabethan guild.
  11. I saw this on TV. Wish there had been a better picture of this.
  12. Yes, that is "a" coin from the POTC movie and most likely "a" coin from Narnia as well. It is not THE coin from the POTC. It is a standard press of an "ancient" coin used as many movie props. I have a collectible "POTC authentic oin from the major motion picture" in a stamped fake leather pouch and it looks exactly like the one in your hand. I paid $1 for it on Ebay over a 2 years ago. I figure the stamped pouch was worth that.
  13. Octopussy (perhaps a female version of POTC 2's Davey Jones?)
  14. perfection (that game is really frustrating)
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