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Everything posted by Christine

  1. LMAO!!!!! Oh, that be a good one!
  2. *some time has passed. still laying face down on the towel, hair to the side, I sit up slowly with a sigh.* Indeed, good back rub mate! *Take the cloak I had on earlier and wrap it around meself* Nobody freak, I had on a sarong and a bikini top-lol! *Curl up back on the towel with the cloak acting as my blanket. the sound of the waves and salty sea breeze wafting by lull me back to sleep......*
  3. Aye, depression be a bad thing if you let it get to ya and take over like that. Oooooh.....a back rub ye say? Sounds good, I just came home not that long ago from work. *sits on towel that was spread out on the sand and pulls long blonde hair to the side and out of Tito's way*
  4. I look at it this way, at least they're posting. Didn't join, post maybe once and then disappear. That happens so much! I was talking with Capt. Morgan about this when he, my sis and I were at Disneyland. We were saying how someone's birthday will show up and that person joined like last year and never even posted once! Those peeps need to be scraped off the list. It shows how there's over a thousand members here, but only half, er, maybe not even half, actually post regularly.
  5. Aye! Here's hoping next week and the weekend too are better.
  6. Okay, I swear, this whole weekend sucked! Friday was just so much fun as I had mentioned before. Saturday the cel phone went missing, ended up most likely being stolen. Had to de-activate it immediately and then replace it. Then came Sunday. It was going along just fine until I came home from work. I was getting out of my uniform when the phone rang. It was my guyfriend with bad news. His girlfriend from back in high school had killed herself. BTW, he is 43 so she was about a year or 2 younger than him. Anyway, I had met her back in 2001 for Christmas, that was the last time he saw her as well. She had been depressed for pretty much all of her life. In and out of different programs for mental help. I just feel so bummed, so sad for her that she chose to do this. *sigh* *walks along the beach, staring up at the moon and feeling the cool breeze waft by.*
  7. LOL! Well, we all just looked stupid standing there as they tried to pry open the elevator doors. And then today was no fun either. Someone stole our cel phone at a gas station. Argh! Wanted to find the bastard and throttle them! We immediately had it de-activated it and got a new phone. Still, petty crap like that pisses me off!
  8. So, Bruno, are ye from California? Able to go to Disneyland often enough to get your Pirates ride fill? I be born and raised from California and still living here. I just went to Disneyland again at the beginning of this month.
  9. Oooooh......what an awesome cover!
  10. Tis such a shame! Be careful out there and I'll keep good thoughts for you and your pub.
  11. You met Johnny Depp? VERY cool!
  12. This day sucked! The elevator at work broke, a resident was trapped in there, fire department was called by the elevator company, was just a mess! *storms off to the lagoon, drops towel and jumps in for a swim in the nude.* Ah....le sigh....
  13. LOL! :angry:
  14. *looks up at Doc swimming around* Ello there, evening! Beautiful night eh? I may end up joining you. Is the water warm?
  15. So Bess, is this only for the Jack doll? What about the Barbossa one?
  16. You poor thing! I've had it stop in there too cuz of it being crowded, but didn't stay there for over an hour! OMG! I'm sure you wanted to pull out a gun and use those singing little brats for target practice huh?
  17. Jack Sparrow jerks uh.....um....wait...never mind that-lol! K be next-
  18. I know I'll be there for the Escondido one. My family and I all want to go breakfast in garb and then go over to the faire. :)
  19. I knew he'd be coming back, even before Bess told us. He's too a cool character to be in only one movie!
  20. Indeed Capt. Z! We were desperate to cool off from the intolerable heat and Small World was the closest ride that has the ac cranked up. Hey, a chance for us all to get a good nap it was-lol!
  21. "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts!" LOL!
  22. I see Barbossa with a bananna. Thought he'd try something different than his apples-lol! Next one, C
  23. LMAO!!!! I say we make him clean it up alright, with his mouth!
  24. Cool Mary! I just know you had fun today then. Why thank ye Barbossa.
  25. *I walk along the beach wearing a cloak, wrapped tightly around. A chill is in the air as a cold breeze blows and wafts by. Fall weather is here, but I am loving it. I move to sit on the soft sandy beach, watching the waves. The moon shines down on the waters, making them sparkle. I take in a deep breath with a smile as I take in the scenary.*
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