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Everything posted by Christine

  1. Argh! You reminded me! Jimmy is going to be performing at the Coors Ampitheater on October 20th. I gotta see if there's still tickets available and how much they are.
  2. Cool! Good idea LadyB! I'll talk with you more about it in aim. Thanks! Ah, thank ye Barbossa. Tis kind of ya-lol!
  3. They're showing the rerun tonight. Now, in California that's 10 pm on TNT. Don't know what it is in other places, so check your tv guide.
  4. Twiggyhunt, are you going too? Aren't you in the Escondido area as well? Capt. Grey, I still think you're idea is great! I know I still want to do this. Just sounds like so much fun!
  5. That's what I thought too. Glad I'm not the only one who went, "huh?"
  6. Ah, good to know there are gentlemen still left in the world. Either that or they're just pretending to be nice just to get some. LOL! Nay, just kidding.
  7. Thank ye all for the different ideas and suggestions. On my next day off I had already planned to check out the Halloween stores. There's this huge one in Vista. Those of you who live in the same area probably know which one I'm referring to. It's that one in the Target Greatland and Walmart plaza. I also want to check out that hat store down in Sea Port Village as well. The next ren faire isn't til Halloween weekend here in Escondido. Since it's one of the smaller faires, hats might not be as expensive. Like at San Bernadino faire that is. Well, we shall see what happens. :)
  8. Where do you buy one? I looked into most of the fabric stores and they don't have it.
  9. Anyone from the San Diego area, need some help here. Where be a good place to get meself a good pirate-type hat. Preferably one with feathers and a nice wide brim. I found one at Comic Con, was simply perfect, til I saw the price, close to $200! I about flipped! It's a bloody hat, what the hell! So, any suggestions?
  10. Aye, I agree with Billy Bones. Ye should take pix with the dress on and show it off. :) Beautiful, simply beautiful indeed.
  11. Why thank ye Captain_MacNamara for saying lasses instead of wenches. Gets ye further in life, as well as other places , when you refer to us as that. :)
  12. If anyone of ye people watch the show Charmed, definitely watch tonight's episode. It will be a pirate episode. Looks really cool too! Phoebe: "Hot pirates? You mean hot like Johnny Depp hot?" LOL! It's on at 8pm on the WB
  13. That's an idea there Capt. Grey. Hopefully I'll find out more before the day is over if anyone else I know wants to go too. But, yeah, that is a good idea to think about. *ponders some more*.
  14. Aye, I couldn't agree with you more! :) Mmmmm......
  15. It be obvious as ye read each question who each one is. So I went along, able to see which one fits Barbossa and yup, it says I'm Barbossa. No surprise there-lol!
  16. Ooooh, I just might have to check this out! Got a little bit of time to see who I can round up to go with me. Hmmm.....*begins to ponder with a smile*
  17. Sounds like fun! Let us know which date it will be.
  18. Well, I gotta keep this place tidy. :) Aye, sounds good to me! Thank ye kindly. Cheers!
  19. Wow, great photos! Too bad I couldn't have made it, just so far away from the San Diego area. Some of the peeps of the Black Sail guild had asked if I'd be going. Ah, well, there's always the Escondido one coming up again Halloween weekend. Woo-hoo, lol!
  20. Aw, it's Disneyland, of course she had a good time-lol!
  21. *comes in and see the floor is still a mess and shakes head* Tired of waiting around for my place to get cleaned up! *goes to the phone and makes a call. Not too long after a clean-up crew comes in and begins cleaning. In no time the floor is clean once again.* There much better!
  22. For awhile there was a midnight showing of Austin Powers in Hollyweird, the first movie that is. My guyfriend was hired to perform as Austin. It was pretty interesting! A Moulin Rouge interactive sounds cool! Where has that been happening at? The Pirates interactive at San Diego Comic Con this year went pretty well. :)
  23. Yup, I knew it-lol! Elizabeth is going to ditch Wil and go with Barbossa-LOL! Okay, just some wishful thinking.
  24. Hmmm.....doesn't sound familiar. The Poxy Boggards has some great stuff tho! Funny stuff as well. :) http://www.poxyboggards.com
  25. I don't think it's going to be a prequel. Just by the way they're acting. Saying, "yes, he's coming back, but it's going to be a surprise as to how". Yup, they're going to resurrect him. Woo-hoo! Going to love the reactions of the other characters, especially Jack when they see Barbossa is back. "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not? Oooh, too bad eh!" lol!
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