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Everything posted by Christine

  1. Glad that my fever is finally down this morning. It's been so weird! On Friday night I tried that new lasagna dish from Pizza Hut. It was very salty and it didn't sit too well. I drank lots of water to flush the saltiness. I slept okay that night and I thought everything was fine. I woke up Saturday morning and felt horrible. I had cramps so bad and felt nauseous. I ate something light, thinking maybe I was just hungry and then went back to bed. I didn't sleep too good and I felt like if I sat up I'd have to run for the bathroom. My stomach hurt. I stayed laying down for awhile. Later on in the late afternoon I sat up just a little bit and was hit with a wave of nausea. I couldn't stop it and ran for the bathroom. I actually felt a lot better, probably should have done that sooner. So, I thought that was the end of it, but then I kept feeling out of sorts. I started getting the chills. I also was quite weak, couldn't stand up for too long. I wondered if I had fever because of the chills. I took my temperature and it was 101, yikes! Okay, I think this is more than just that food not sitting well with me. I started thinking I may have got the stomach flu again. It's been really bad at my work. We've had to shut down the dining room and keep residents in their room. I already got it the first time a couple of weeks ago. The only thing is I didn't feel nauseous anymore after I only threw up once, hmmm....Well, I did all I could to bring down the fever and dealt with the chills. This morning it was at low grade, so I took some more tylenol and now it's back down normal. Hopefully it stays like that. I'm debating about going to the doctor, just to make sure everything's fine and stays that way. Ugh, what a night!
  2. 1) Yeah, probably, but God knows what he has in store for me. :angry: 2) Sometimes yes, sometimes no 3) Came close to dying twice before the age of 4, don't remember too much about it. Almost died at the age of 16 with complications with my appendix. Again, still didn't think about it, probably cuz I was quite young.
  3. I'm using this sunset beach scene from the Caribbean. I'd love to be laying out on a towel on that beach, just relaxing without a care in the world...*sighs*
  4. Hope you had a great birthday! All the best to ye and always!
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