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Everything posted by Francois

  1. So whos going next Friday? Me and Antoine will be there. Merry we are sorry you cant be there, but understand. We will drink a round for you in celabration to Scupper. Francois
  2. I found the SCA after doing the ren fair Thing. I wanted to fight rapier without the choreographing and fake repatition. I developed a French persona in the Elizabethan period. Only because I always liked the French Musketeer. I was very fortunate to hook up with a great group that allow everybody to play out there own thing and they accept you for who you are. I have heard many people complain about the SCA and have run into some people I dont care for, for one reason or another but I wont let that stop me from enjoying myself. Although I don't like the way the fencing is done in the SCA. Most people fight to always win and not for fun. There isn't much in the way of period style fighting which kinda sucks also. This lead me to getting to know Hawkins better who introduced me to Piracy black powder and real period fighting, without the SCA restrictions. Thank god he lives 40min away. We fight without amour and as if our life depended on winning with our safety parameters and no choreography. So the out come is realistic and different evreytime. Anyway I've meet a lot of great people in my area who are in SCA. I play for the fun of rapier fighting and getting in garb. In closeing hanging out with Hawkins, and being a crew member on his cannon crew I have learnd a lot and found that I'm a Pirate at heart.
  3. Hey Scupper, Any chance we can move it to Friday the 19th. Sunday is no good for me since I start work at 3:00am on Monday and my son has school on Monday. I'm not sure but Hawkins and Gwen might not be able to make it on Sunday either. I was talking to Gwen tonight she said they have stuff going on Sunday. Let us know. François BTW Im gettig the new hits cut this week. Hopfully by the time we get together next I will have them done.
  4. Hey Merrydeath, Good to see your sail to your home port was a safe one. Were the winds to your back and the seas smooth? Nice pics. I'm going to have to post some to redeem meself. First from coastie I'm on my knees then from you I'm getting, well lets just say I photograph well. We hope to see ya make sail too our waters soon. You make a good addition to our crew. Me lass said she was sorry she missed ya and didn't get a chance to meet you hopefully next trip. François
  5. Hey Coastie, Nice pics. Any of me still on my feet before I get killed. It was a good day. As our Captain so put it "A day of ships, swords cannons, and black powder its a good day". BTW how do you post the photos on the gallery. Francois
  6. See ya mates tonight Francois
  7. Hey Mates, Friday they 22nd is good for me. Francois
  8. Hawkyns, The 22nd is ok with me. We could still raise a tankerd to me 40th year and come up with many other reasons to empty out bottles of rum and beer. Plus I'd rather ye be there to enjoy the night anyway. Just remember we have the battle at Groton on the 23rd. Francois .
  9. I was going to go but not in the rain. Cant go Sunday my son has a football game. Francois
  10. Sure mate book it for me 40th B-day. I need to check with me Lady and youngins. It be a fun night If I could take them all and make it a Pirate B-day celabration. Will be in touch. Francois
  11. Scupper give use a call keep use in the loop Ill keep the date open. Francois
  12. By the way if someone can tell me how to post pics I got some I can share from past events. Francois
  13. Ahoy Mates, It was a good night. Good food, good song, good drink, and good mates. although there were about 5 or 6 of us MIA. Me thinks its a good place to meet. I like the sea type ambience. It is closer to or mates in RI so we would hope it would entice them to join us. I sent word to our Captain but never heard back. Dropped a line to Scupper and never heard back. Were are all ye mates hiden out. Francois
  14. Nice to see some pics. Ya got some great shots. Since I'm new to these parts can ya tell me how to do the photo post. I looked all over the site and I cant figure how to do it. Id like to get some photos of me and my mates up. We will be in New London this weekend with the Tall Ships that should be some good pics. Thanks so much Francois
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