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Everything posted by Francois

  1. Bring a Lap top to the salty ball and I will do it for you.
  2. Did you try to do what I suggested in the IM on facebook?
  3. Francois

    1660 Privateers Crew of the Mermayde

    Privateers working under Henry Morgans letter of Marque.
  4. The next event..........

  5. I have a pair of knee breechs I bought about 7 years ago. Wool They are great for the periods I do and are well made sykes
  6. This is a must see for all you MythBuster fans Episode 71: Pirate Special Arggghhh, me hearties! Jamie and Adam plundered the seven seas in search of pirate parables and maritime myths. The result? This 2-hour spectacular episode! And, with four stories of hijinks on the high seas the action is thick and fast. Playing with more firearms, the guys try to figure out how deadly cannonballs really are versus the splinters sprayed from a mighty broadside blast. Kari, Grant and Tory on the port side decode the mysteries of the ol' pirate eye patch: why would a pirate wear a patch over a perfectly good eye? And if that isn't enough, the gang tops of the show with rum, knives and sails ... whaat? This one's for the books! Premiere: Jan. 17, 2006 MythBusters Francois
  7. Ok I just got it! So Im a little slow. But before ye send me to the hangman's noose. Could it be a spelling error? Possibly. Could it be the fact my typing sucks? defiantly. :) Could it be the battery on my key board is going dead? Likely Could it be I didn't check what I wrote? Probable. :) Could it be Im dyslexic? Unlikely. I do know what end to put the cannon ball in! (singing signing) Alls the same to me. Could it be my brain works faster than my fingers? Well I wont go there Im sure just saying that opened up a door for all as it stands. Besides a Pyrate of my standing shouldn't know how to spell anyway. Although Foxe understood what I meant and that's all that counted. François
  8. Count me in.
  9. Thank you Foxe. This is what I was looking for. Great example. Your opinion? For those sailors who were illiterate do you think it was read to them, or do you think they were given a line of crap to make it look better than it was. Or do you think the sailors knew what they were getting into from others who might of had some experience. Some how I equate it to going to the current day recruiting station. François
  10. I was thinking. I tried to locate documentation and paperwork showing crew members signing on to a priveteer. Similiar to scene on the pirates of the caribbean II. I know it probably happened in that type of public manner, but I am curious about the following? What was the documentation presented to the sailor, on the paper he signed what was stated? Were there other documents that were presented at the time and if so what was stated on those documents as well? Was there any inclination as to what the sail was going to be about, where it was going or how long it would be before the sailors signed onto the crew? Any information would be a help thank you Francois
  11. Ditto what Scupper said. If things work out Ill be there too. Looking forward to a good sword fight. We were hoping to see you at New London. What happened? François
  12. My point exactly. We use the same articals when taking over a ship for the pirate sails we do. Thats when I questioned it mysef. Francois
  13. It crossed my mind when we were doing a black powder demo on one of the ships we work on. One of the crew opened the topic of powder monkeys on the ship. I agree they were on Man of war ships working in the orlop deck and in the fields during land and fort battles. The question is. Did pirates deliberately take youngsters to do the work of a powder monkey? Would they tolerate a child on board? Would they want another mouth to feed? They were superstitious about women being aboard. Did they feel the same way about children? François
  14. They don't look too bad. Although the one on the bottom looks worse. I work with resorting all types of alloy. If there is an interest. I have a shop and am so equipped to restore them. I can make them look as close to new as the metal will permit. Let me know and I will give you all the details François
  15. Pete You got some great photos there. I like the one with you in the cage. My wife has the same problem with dressing sometimes. My wife's problem is that she hates to wear dresses. So we solved that problem and she wears shirt slops doublet or what ever she feels comfortable in. I've learned she doesn't like to re-enact as much as I do. She tolerates it and will go with me for support. Capt. Lazarus Gage I like your frok what kind of cloth is it cut form. François
  16. You will be surprised! A friend told me to look around the stores such as JC Penny and such. so every time I was in a store I went to the shoe department. By chance I was in a store called Bon-Ton. I walked by the shoes and there on display in the women's shoes were these, (without the buckle). They were on sale for $20.00. I tried on a pair that would fit and bought them, later adding the buckle. I asked why they were so cheep. On the box they were selling for $60.00. The clerk said they were discontinuing them. That was over 2 years ago. Look around you may get lucky. François
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