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Atala Syrcuse

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Everything posted by Atala Syrcuse

  1. Many of ye have made mention that ye seek a proper coat, but'n can't afford the number of sheckles most be asking fer one. If'n ye go to the gallery here, look for the pic called "couple of lucky pirates". It be two of me best coats. The one the lusty wench be wearing can be bought for $300, less if'n you don't want all that fancy trim. Either way, if'n ye could take a looksy and tell me what ye think of me work, i just got a case of spiced rum at port.
  2. Thanx for ye tip mate. You're right about getting more loot to look at, but I have to say the loot I pludered on me search was better made than most of what I found doing it your way.
  3. Many a pirate has been mislead by seachering for "pirate" on eBay. If pirate garb be what ye seek, start by searching clothing-costumes then pirate. The plundering is better and you don't get all that baseball stuff.
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