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Atala Syrcuse

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Everything posted by Atala Syrcuse

  1. I only get to make these stockings once a year and when they're gone that's it! See all my goods here!
  2. Clearing out my inventory for the year a little early. To see all me items click here!
  3. This and other piraty goodness can be found here!
  4. As one who does more promotional type work in costume, I prefer Penny Rose's method of throwing the clothing items in question into a cement mixer with a few bricks for 10-15 minutes. This works very well especially if you have a full crew of extras and a one day/weekend event.
  5. Would you consider a trade? That beautiful pistol fer a pirate coat and knee breeches made ta order?
  6. I have those stines! Paid 25 cents a piece for them, but had more than I could use. Bought them all and sold the extras on eBay.
  7. Psi Phi Creations is re-openned on eBay! I have ready to ship items as well as custom order pieces where ye can choose the size you need. New items to added weekly!
  8. My daughter's in love with this one. I'm only listing it twice. Working on a more grown-up size in green and gold, but it might take over a month to finish. Got a few pirate vests, knee breeches, and a burgandy coat to finish up first.
  9. I've been doing historical clothing reproductions for going past 20 years now. I HATE the word "costumes" since what I do IS clothing and made to last. I've done everything from medieval era to civil war outfits. I have to admit that pirates are my favorite so far.
  10. Sooooooooooooooo cute! My little ones aren't so little anymore.
  11. New stuff for sale on eBay psi-phi on eBay Check it out!
  12. Still working on building up some inventory. In the mean time check these out! Going to start on some corsets soon.
  13. I can make you one of these as small as 36" chest maybe even a little smaller if you need. I don't get many orders for small sizes. $40 with shipping.
  14. and here be my current items fer sale! Will have more ta post in the coming weeks.
  15. They do look great. I am tall and thin, but have big shoulders and a just measured out a 43" chest. Will you be making anything in that range? I would be very interested. I should have at least one in blue ready for sale by the end of Feb. Working on a few Renaissance pieces right now.
  16. Just have the three and all are size 38-40. Here they be! If ye need a different size, drop me line. I have plenty of the blue fabric left but I can get more in other colors if ye like.
  17. Thrift stores do indeed rock! I can't tell you the number of beauties I've made from curtains, sheets, and the like I picked up from thrift stores. I even worked at one part-time to get better pick of the merchandise!
  18. I think I need to be getting the door mat.
  19. I can't imagine. I promise there's nothing "Immaculate" about it! Just good clean grown-up fun! OK not entirely clean.
  20. The KC Contraception Con has a pirate theme for their '08 convention in Independence, MO! The con usually takes place in early Nov. and is adults only! (21 and up) I'l be reserving rooms for the weekend so if ye'd like ta join me crew, drop me a line. I'll be posting more info as I get it if'n ye want ta bring yer own crew.
  21. Sounds good. Here's my link. Psi Phi. Me pirate stuff sells fast, but i got me an assistant now!
  22. I like this one.
  23. I do believe the topic of this thread has been thrown overboard!
  24. Beautiful vest and remarkably well preserved. My great-grandmother was capable of button holes such as that when she was alive.
  25. more galleons than ye gots I'm afraid.
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