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Atala Syrcuse

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Everything posted by Atala Syrcuse

  1. The theatrical piratical comedy that twists the "Dickens" right out of Christmas!!! XMAS MARKS THE SPOT! Written and Directed by Mark L. Groves December 21 - 23 and December 28-30, 2004 Just Off Broadway Theatre 3051 Central, Kansas City, Missouri For ticket info call 816-529-3657. or click here
  2. Psi Phi Cargo It be me again! I gots a pair o' fallfront breeches fer ye ta bid on. They be a bit smallish, 32", but could fit 30" with tha lacing up the back. Hope ta have some bigger ones made by next week. Also got me some Christmas stockings fer sale. If'n ye need a place ta keep your booty.
  3. Pirate coat SMThere's only a few days left fer ye ta place yer bids!
  4. If'n ye be looking fer a quality pipe, try hereThey have some really nice stuff. **drool**
  5. Being one o' the more "experienced" seamstresses, I have to say well done Capt. Ye can join me crew anytime.
  6. If'n ye need a pattern fer ye boots, Butterick and McCalls have one or two in the costumes. The rest o' the pattern with the boots be not pirate though they also be hav'n some piraty costumes as well. Being as I am known for me sewing in these parts, I'd be honored to give ye assistance if'n ye need.
  7. Realy? I hadn't noticed and "wear" on the coat I made fer me brother three years ago. He wears it with his bording rig and Looks the same now as it did when I first finished it. I will be keeping an eye out fer that "wearing" problem though. Mighten ye be refering to a lighter weight fabric? This here be hupostry weight.
  8. Psi Phi Cargo Here be a Wine Velvet coat to be feasting ye eyes on. Keep a look out though maties as I be adding the fall-front breeches to me cargo soon. Will post again whens I gets them in.
  9. Fold front pants!!!!!! And here I took apart me dad's navy pants to make me own pattern. GRRRRRR!
  10. Psi Phi Cargo We added a few new things, some silvery pieces I "found". Of curse we have piratey coats fer sale as well so plunder me lots! I likes it! Remember, pillage first, then burn.
  11. That's fer the reminder. i guess I left me brain in the dingy. Here be the link. Psi Phi Cargo Pludder me lots! Me likes it!
  12. Ifn' ye be needing a size not listed, just pay me fer the size closest an email me with yer measurements. I'll custom sit it fer ye at no added cost. Don't ferget to mention ye saw me at the pub and be getting our "we love pirates" special.
  13. Phi Psi Cargo Got me ship(store) Got bags fer ye coins and coats fer ye hide. Give a little bit o' time and I'll have even more. Coming soon - Skulls and Bones
  14. Psi Phi Cargo I also be wondering if'n any of ye be looking fer some fall-front breaches as I came across a pattern fer one. Plunder me lots! Me likes it!
  15. Just sendin' out me dinging this time. Two coats fer ye mid-sized pirates. Punder me lots! I likes it!
  16. Just addin' a line ifn' ye be interested, there be a LOTR item on board. The Crown of Angmar.
  17. As promised mates, here be two more coats fer ye ta be bidding on.
  18. I wents to sea and gots ye some more pirite coats. Only one is up right now, but there be more a'coming by sundown on Sunday. I needs me rest. Psi Phi Cargo Ravage me lots. Me likes it.
  19. Just stopppin' off to port for a spot of rum and wanted to give ye scurvy dogs a shot at swiping me loot before me puts to sea again. Only be here fer a day or two so be quicks about it! Psi Phi Cargo ravage me!! I likes it!!
  20. Goin' to port to gather me up some more piratey coats. Seein' as ye likes to plunder me ship (and I likes to be plundered) I thought I'd get an opinion of what ye all likes. An' I also like to give a yo ho ho and a bottle of rum to all ye scurvy dogs that placed yer bets on me last bit o' cargo.
  21. Not to be sounding ungrateful an all, and I do be thank'n all ye that places yer bets on me coats, but ye seem to be fergetting that there be other cargo on board. So here be the link to me ship. Ravage me! I likes it! Psi Phi Cargo
  22. A button pirate be me. There be a port by the name of Cy Rudnick's in KC,MO here'n if'n ye got some time, ye can dig through their button bin to ye heart's content. All the one's ye like be 15 fer a $1.
  23. I do hope you told those right and proper snoots to bugger off! (Me thinks I hurt me mouth trying ta say that)
  24. Whether velvet is period or not depends on the period ye reffer'n to. If'n the fair ye be at is 17th century (1600) or later, they should'n be given ye no grief .
  25. Ye all seems to be enjoy'n me handy work. Giv'n me complements and all. Thank ye for yer kind words, but a lass is gotta eat! So.......here be the link for me coats fer sale on the eBay. Green Velvet Pirate Captain's Coat Fleet Blue Pirate Captain's Coat
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