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Atala Syrcuse

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Everything posted by Atala Syrcuse

  1. I still can't find me a capped pipe. One loose ash an' me ship will go up in flames!
  2. I'd love ta try me hand at making the stays fer me lady, but I'm unsure how ta go about gettin' a proper fit. What would the adjustments be fer a 40G size? She be a bit heavy on the top.
  3. Thanks fer the hint. I'm no good with the abbr. fer stuff.
  4. That be most impressive indeed. I taught I was doing good with a 3-ring binder with all me cards an' a mapcase with me blue vinyl board rolled up.
  5. Very cool. Ye dot tha second star ta tha right part most definently.
  6. With such high praise ye might make me blush. Believe it or not, these be only $12 a yard off eBay.
  7. Me be looking fer anyone who might be playing this game. Me needs more cards an' people ta play. Already hooked on Pirates of the Barbary Coast.
  8. Trying to rustle up a crew in the KC area ta see it in garb and such. Hard ta do being so landlocked an all.
  9. Some of you may have already seen this one, but I just had ta share. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sve77TcLPcM...related&search=
  10. Very wicked! Found the fabric on eBay and just had to do something with it.
  11. These be me first try with the front flap. Converting the Navy breeches was easier.
  12. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest will be showing at Englewood Theatre 10917 Winner Road in Indep. MO July 7th as if you didn't already know. So grab yer gear at meet us there! if'n ye need more info go here
  13. Why not a poofy shirt, a waist sincher and a short vest? Like the one in the picture I posted?
  14. Me model in the pic is really me brother. He and his wife run the Sheep Skin Shoppe at KCRF.
  15. If ye knows how ta sew or knows someone who does, this might help. It's a Simplicity pattern #5359 if'n ye wants ta buys it online er #0634 if'n ye gets it at a store. Hope that helps.
  16. Check this one out maties! Still have others in me cargo Pillage me lots! I likes it!
  17. It all depends on how yer wnating ta lay it out. With buttons that big, I'd sugest 5-6 buttons down the front with only 3-4 on each cuff.Ye still need 2 on the back ta make er look right. Lay down yer pattern and play with where ye want the buttons ta be. Hope that helps.
  18. That be quite a bargin. Oriental Trading Company outfitted me son's B-day Pirate Party. Even had little treasure chests fer his guest to take home ther goodies in.
  19. An' I thought me cost were low! I wouldn' a have pot to piss in if'n I priced them any lower! Me plus size coats run $150, but that only covers the cost o' the extra material! I charges $10/hour fer the labor, which around these parts is half the going rate! I'd still like ta make some fall-front breeches, but no one wants to say what size they be wantin'/needin'!
  20. I got them off eBay, though the seller claims to not have no more! I do have a few (522) of these in a 3/4" size. Been using um fer me smaller coats. Really wishin' I could find me sum more o' these large ones though. Keepin' an eye out fer them.
  21. Thank ye all fer yer replies an advice. The plus size coats won't cost but mahaps $10 more than the ones I already have seeing as the pattern don't calls fer any extra trim. The plus sizes don't call fer pockets either, but I's put them in anyways. Any advice on what size breeches ye might be looking fer? I'd be much oblized.
  22. Guess it's true what they say, you really can find anything on eBay! I have to agree with Captain_MacNamara. Some one definitely fell in the rum vat.
  23. Been thinkin' o' adding sum Xtra large coats to me cargo, but was wonderin' if'n there be a need fer such a thing. They be 52 and 56 if'n I made them. I was also wonderin' if'n any of ye scurvy dawgs be wantin' some fall-front breeches. If so, what sizes ye be wantin'? Psi Phi Cargo
  24. I be looking fer the large ones. 1 1/2" across. Ifn' ye knows where I could find em, I'd be much obliged.
  25. Psi Phi Xmas Cargo Thers a couple fer the gentlemen as well.
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