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Atala Syrcuse

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Everything posted by Atala Syrcuse

  1. It's a bustle or nothing. I happen to have no bustle right here. ha ha ha.
  2. Had ta share anyway
  3. I love this pattern fer the breeches an the waistcoat, but the overcoat is a bit oversized fer my taste. I much prefer this one meself.
  4. Am I goin' have ta get anoder model ta get me wears noticed?
  5. Not sure, but I transfered some of em to me photobucket site.
  6. I can see the first 3, but not the others.
  7. Can ya see it here?
  8. eBay's great but ye do have ta know what words ta look under. They aren't always the ones ya think! Found the ribbon I was hunting fer by entering "braid"! Go figure.
  9. Burgandy was very popular when I was making them (coats of course). Shipped several to New England as well as the Bay area in CA. But should the lapels be light or dark?
  10. I must admit I was inspired by the EITC as seen in POTC2. Got enough fabric to make more, just a little unsure of the length. Should it be longer?
  11. They didn't at first fer me either. But when I right clicked, I got them ta come up real pretty.
  12. I have to wonder though... will the dog play in the 3rd movie like Jack the Monkey played in the 2nd?
  13. There are far more mysteries under the sea than shall ever be discovered in my lifetime I fear. Some creatures aren't likely to be found unless they want to be.
  14. Are you doing fall-front breeches? I haven't seen this pattern yer using. I found one from Simplicity that turned out pretty good. I still like converting sailor's blue's when I can get them.
  15. Here Here. What she said.
  16. I don't know who came up with this one but... "Save a ship. Ride a pirate!" is still my favorite quote. It's how I got me 5 ships!
  17. It started with the spiced rum... then came the pineapple rum, the coconut rum, mango rum, apple rum, orange rum, lime rum, dark ruummm, cllear ruem , am I drunked yet?
  18. I always thought the last line was... And I'll take ye upstairs and show ya the rest!"
  19. I believes they may be at KC's Faire this fall. Will have to see if I can gets me hands on a CD then.
  20. just got me hands on Captain Blood (1935). Errol Flynn...*dreamy faraway look in the eyes*
  21. Fer me money I don't leave till the lights comes on and they trows me out! Was glad I stayed this time though!
  22. As one whose dayjob is at a thriftstore, I would say it'd be cheapest to buy ye sheets at me store and make the costume yerself. Sometimes ye can find halfway desent boots, but you just have ta keep an eye out and check back often.
  23. So fer looks like only 5 are goin' make it. Wish it wer more, but better than none at tall!
  24. This is Larry. He lives in me basement.
  25. Thanks so much Will! It's exactly wat i was looking fer!
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