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Atala Syrcuse

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Everything posted by Atala Syrcuse

  1. My eBay Store For your consideration.
  2. I can make em in other sizes mate. 30-44 bust and 23-37 waist if ye like. With the lacing ya mite want ta go an inch or so smaller than yer measurements just ta get the can't breathe effect all proper like.
  3. Fixing on making a few more o these, but fer the time being here's what I got!
  4. Hate ta part with this, but me treasure chest is a mite low. Find it listed on eBay here!
  5. fer ye ta consider. Psi-Phi27 on eBay Enjoy me harties!
  6. Hallmark you say? I have a lovely collection of "jacks" from megablocks and one 18" doll I have yet to remove from his package.
  7. Ok so it is working, just not the way I want it to. So.........I'v posted a few things you could get from my web site (if it were working right) and posted them hereon ebay. Enjoy! and happy bidding!
  8. Here be me and my crew at World's End and one of me before the show
  9. Is this what you're looking fer? It be Simplicity #5037. I believe I have this one. I could convert this ta be double-breasted in the front is ye like.
  10. In ta mean time, check these out!
  11. The vest is fer sale here the knee breeches here Fer all me items ta bid on click here
  12. A shirt, one with big poofy sleeves. It's basic and simple and if ye can master that, then a coat shouldn't be too much trouble.
  13. She's not a performer, but she does more than one faire a year so she needs something that is going to look good. I was mostly concerned with how the coat would hang. She has a flint-lock if the "period police" stop her in the lanes.
  14. Linen.....really? She wants a pair of knee breaches (easy enough) a shirt (ditto) and a "Jack Sparrow" coat ta wear around the midwest faires.
  15. I have a freind who wants a pirate outfit, coat and all. I cans make it fer her, but she's deathly alergic ta wool. Would a heavy demin look right fer a pirate coat? Should it be navy blue or black?
  16. Orbitz has flights from KCMO to West Palm Beach fer $240/person round trip.
  17. What be the dates of this years' PIP? Can't seem ta find that info.
  18. Ye asked fer a larger size and I delivers! Her ye go!
  19. Like when I was making me first pirate coat with 4 layers of heavy fabric where the lapels got and I nearly knocked me machine over and used language ta make a pirate blush?
  20. With the bustle it's not as hot ta wear as it looks, air flowing underneath and all. This one with all the trimmings would sell fer $400. I could alter it a bit, less fluff, fer a lower price. Would have ta ifn I was to be a vendor.
  21. Is there any place for something like this at PIP?
  22. It's quite inspiring! I have a few quilt patterns (been sewing fer oh......25 years), but never thought o adding the "no quater given" ta any o me quilts. Hav ta try that!
  23. Soon as I gets me a decent pic. Friday fer real, come hell, highwater, er the Kraken himself!
  24. I have one a bit bigger, just don't have it up yet. Fitting fer a man with a 48" gerth.
  25. POTC Officer's Vest I have me some in other sizes ifn' ye be interested. Need ta get me some scratch so's I can get ta Florida to pay me final respects ta me granddad the end o' March. Thank ye kindly.
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