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Albatross Bill

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Everything posted by Albatross Bill

  1. I'm partial to beans meself. Give me turrible gas, tho.
  2. I'm thinkin' ye've got the horse's arse before the cart on this one. Nuffink wrong wif wantin to pertect yer own original artwork from bein', well, pyrated. Differcult, mebbe, but not crooked.
  3. Yep, it 'pears that yer a man fer all seasons, cap'n. Ham n eggz sounds good to me. Give me gas, tho. :)
  4. I thinks the ole Chieftan is a mighty fine vessel meself, as I've said before. And a full kitchen, and headroom, too. Tres’ kewl, sez I.
  5. Yeppers, a pretty sight she be. I'd live in THAT pineapple on top er the sea and me britches ain't even square
  6. Gasflabber!? Gives a whole new shade o meaning ta "fire in the hole," don't it? Hah, the Lady as a prize. Now THAR's an idear. The Lady has stolen me heart, seems like I should return de favor.
  7. Har, Sinclaire! Did yez see that? Shall we buy us a Pineapple? T'would truly put the lime in the coconut, so it would. Course, that wouldn't do nuffink for yer digestive problems, niether...
  8. I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
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