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    The Seven Seas
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    Wot's it to ye? They be me interests, not yours..........

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  1. My earlier post was from 'word' of another sailor, on the hook nearby, who, although a fine sailor, probably wouldn't know a fidded t'gallant mast from a martingale post, or Harland from Harlem,but.....c'mon, he got the accident part right,eh?....Bully, here she is by Horizons, and the t'gallants are missing... Anyhoo, glad all is well, and it'll give the spar shop somethin' to do .....
  2. Just got some scuttlebutt whilst workin' on my other boat in Sausalito, that the Lady Washington, during transit at night from Sacramento, lost both topmasts at the Benicia Bridge. I have no idea at this point why they didn't have the bridge raised,( I'm waay shorter, and I have them raise it) but anyway, the worst happened for it..I'll post if I hear more, but I'm kinda busy pulling a powerplant..
  3. Sorry for the size, I'll shrink it later, eh?
  4. Well, 'ere's one about a real Pyrate ship, and the REAL story...Most 'o ye be familiar with this 'ere ship 'o mine, the Royaliste.. Now, the 'skinney'..Royaliste was originally built 'Wandrian II' for a rich-arsed dentist....He fell on hard times and set her on fire, hoping for the insurance cash...the designer took the ship, fixed the burned stuff, and resold her. Several owners later, she was a rotted hulk. The skipper 'afore me rebuilt her from hull up into the wonderful 1755 Tops'l ketch she is now..Altho' 'royaliste' usually refers to the side of King Louis, the real deal is that the former Capts. wife's maiden name , being French-type Quebec 'n all, was 'LeRoi', hence..'le ROYALISTE'...Fast forward, and I'm huntin' three mil. or so to build me next one, a privateer from history named the 'REVENGE'....."Got any spare change?"
  5. Hmm, that's indeed interesting! We know nuthin' of the principal's or anything, (we're just a big, floatin' prop,eh?)....oughtta be fun, altho' for us, there's a couple 'o long transits involved, which generally leave us cranky and tired....oh well, that's sailin'...and piracy!
  6. Hmm, Perhaps a definitive explanation of the larger bore problem is in order, as we had Cebu on the 'Long Way Around' plan, but Tallship Royaliste might just have to steer a different heading........ ROYALISTE Scourge of the Western Pacific.........
  7. Hmmm...'interesting!'...We've a rather full crew wot signed the articles, so...Methinks ye'll be needin' a big warehouse full 'o powder, an' even bigger balls to pull this one off, mate! straight up, tho, mate...we gladly host other pirate groups
  8. Welcome aboard, lass..........Sorry to 'ave missed the to-do, but we kept the sealanes covered whilst alla the pirates were away........Methinks the Poison Quill may 'ave some photo'sto post for those 'o us less than fortunate enuff to 'ave been at the lake.
  9. Aye!!.......And if thar be any 'o the brethren highly skilled in the art 'o web building and maintaining wot 'as an interest in this sort 'o idealistic rumcake, please give us a shout...........Hard to sail down the roadstead nowadays with out the stuff, eh????
  10. Aye!.. Stay in Fla., sit on the beach, and rant at the other tourists such as ye'reself!! Yes, it was by invitation, and we were invited, you???..'o course, you were walking, weren't you? Nothin' non-period like an airplane in your life, eh?
  11. We're runnin' a 'special' on keel-haulin' as a fundraiser Ya walk a plank around 'ere, an' hypothermia'll get ye 'afore the sharks!!.........Dig deep in them pockets, an' we'll gladly supply the 'vessel', but you bring the plank, we're 'period correct' (no plank)
  12. Congrats and Huzzah!, Mate!!..Alla my kids and grandkid checked in, includin' the runaway one!!......Jeesh!..kids
  13. Aye!..Good mod's to the 'Shark'!!...trailer work soon, eh??............
  14. Privateer..... 'ere be me two cents worth on this topic....As a construction superintendant and also a sailor, I'm very familiar with most of the South Pacific and Pacific Rim nations. I have a special penchant for the Republic of the Philippines, but that said..........I know little of you or your vessel, but a lot of the republic just plain 'aint safe' for an average gringo...Now, unless you don't have a problem leaving your assailant lying in a cane field as he would have done you, I'd recommend staying out of the area as a sailor. You are exposed to waay more volitile people as a sailor than as a tourist.If the Philippines are where you really want to be, then spend the time on foot exploring (thar be 7,000 islands in the republic) and then decide. The problem checking things out in third world countries as a tourist is that you are generally sheltered from any local problems, and as a sailor, you are thrust right into them.For sure avoid Mindanao and most outer islands, as these tend to be strongly rebel held, and expats generally don't fair well in these areas........ As far as operating on a 'six-pack' license, that only applies in the U.S., mate, the rest 'o the world does things their way, not ours..........
  15. *Sits on quarterdeck, barefeet on caprail, not one, but two blunderbuss in lap* ..Don' mind me, I'm just sippin' me iced tea, 'avin' a tot RR two 'o rum, an' lookin' fer Yankee stragglers! ..pulls ramrod, stirs tea............
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