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Henry Martin

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Everything posted by Henry Martin

  1. Henry Martin

    Henry Martin

    Captain Henry Martin
  2. Avast there fellow sea-dogs! Exciting news! Stoli vodka has selected me and my pirate persona Henry Martin as one of ten finalists for their next "Stoli Original" campaign. Now-- I know what some of you are thinking-- "pirates only drink rum! Arr! What are ya thinkin' lad?" But honestly, isn't that naught but ethnic profiling? Of course we drink rum, but we are worldy beings and of course would never turn down a fine shot of vodka! In fact, some of us may even prefer it! Anyway, you can check out the video audition here: [/url] I'm reaching out to the pirate community at large for it's support-- because- at any rate- we've got rum covered- so let's set sail and shanghai vodka for our own, too! After all, it does seem the rum is always gone...There's no "voting" system for this, but if you could visit the video via YouTube and "like" and/or comment, the support would be highly appreciated! You can also visit www.stoli.com and check out the video there! Thanks to you all for your support! See you around the forum!! Cheers, Fair Winds, and Following Seas, Christopher Capt. Henry Martin
  3. Henry Martin could be the next Stoli Vodka spokesperson! Visit: http://youtu.be/ozdtjmfKzow to check it out and support!!!

  4. Hey folks-- Just released my new CD, Henry Martin: Around the Bay, and here is track 16- a rollicking and epic song of piracy and bathtub toys- including plundering and death! Written by Katie Pierce and Copyright 2007 Kat Pierce Music. The whole CD is available at www.piratesinc.org/cd! More previews are available there! More to come soon, mates! Cheers, Captain Henry Martin
  5. AHHH!!! The Crimson Pirates. Haven't heard that group name since I moved from Toronto to Vancouver. Used to do that 8+ hour drive over border to Maryland and stay with friends, then head back in Time for Ontario Renfest. (I was a mere wench back then - sigh) Man I miss The Crimson Pirates. Watched your video. Nice. I'll do my best to drop by the page but.. Welcome, my lad. H...

  6. Avast there! I just joined this forum... Really glad I did! (And I can't believe I didn't catch up with it 'til now)... Let me introduce myself: My name is Chris Leidenfrost-Wilson, but I'm better known on the high seas as Captain Henry Martin. I'm a pirate actor and folk-singer and also a member of the NY singing pirate group, The Crimson Pirates. (There will be much more on this later... for more pressing matters are at hand!) Anyway, Stoli vodka has selected me and my pirate persona as one of ten finalists for their next "Stoli Original" campaign. Now-- I know what some of you are thinking-- "pirates only drink rum! Arr! What are ya thinkin' lad?" But honestly, isn't that naught but ethnic profiling? Of course we drink rum, but we are worldy beings and of course would never turn down a fine shot of vodka! In fact, some of us may even prefer it! Anyway, you can check out the video audition here: I'm reaching out to the pirate community at large for it's support-- because- at any rate- we've got rum covered- so let's set sail and shanghai vodka for our own, too!There's no "voting" system for this, but if you could visit the video via YouTube and "like" and/or comment, the support would be highly appreciated! You can also visit www.stoli.com and check out the video there! Let me also mention my website: www.piratesinc.org to check out my pirate act and music. I have two wonderful CD's of pirate/Celtic music to check out there and lots of videos! Thanks to you all for your support! See you around the forum!! Cheers, Fair Winds, and Following Seas, Christopher Capt. Henry Martin
  7. Have two pirate hats-- have one full of adverbs like "scurvy", "one-eyed", "blind", "red-bearded", etc. and one with names like "Pete", "Bart", "Davy", "Sandy", "McGregor". Have a kid pick one of each... and that becomes their pirate name for the party. (jotting on a nametag with a calligraphy pen and sticking on them helps remember--) A fun activity-- (especially if you have lots of time to fill) Not great for parties with lots of kids, though...
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