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Privateer Armoury

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Everything posted by Privateer Armoury

  1. I met those Smiths and saw their work. Stunning just stunning. We were talking to them about Scottish pistols (2004). Glad to see they are going ahead with it.
  2. No apologies necessary. Out of curiosity, what is it like to shoot? I've never shot a BP pistol larger than .44, also how does it handle?
  3. Beautiful pistol, and exactly the kind of weapon that a Scottish pirate would end up with, having relieved its previous (Wig) owner of possession. Not to put too fine a point on it but the Jacobites and the Black Watch were not exactly on friendly terms(rather closer to the opposite as the black watch was commissioned to help suppress the Jacobites). -Ben (Clan Chatten) "Touch not the Cat but a glove"
  4. Pictures? I tried going to the link in your signature but it seem to be dead.
  5. Thanks for the kind words. The cutlass is sold.
  6. Those picture from the Antigua Guatemala historical museum are amazing, thanks for posting them. From what I have seen and read about the sword in the original post it seems to be authentic. It was relatively common for broadswords to be mounted in stylish rapier style hilts as the broadsword with its heavier cutting blade was better suited to the battlefield/deck than the true rapier which was designed more for personal combat.
  7. The specs are on the Privateer Armoury Available Page Let me know what you think and if there are any pieces you'd like to see made.
  8. I have heard really good things about BKS swords they offer both stage combat and "sharps". They use high quality special alloy blade steels (unlike most foreign competitors). Matt and Kerry are really great to deal with. Hope that helps.
  9. Here is a short video of some of the tests I did on a Privateer Armoury cutlass. Let me know what you think.
  10. Thanks for the welcome. Matt, Thanks for sending me this way. Great forum.
  11. I hope this is the right place to post this (if not feel free to move/delete)
  12. Before I became a bladesmith I used to craft custom gun rigs for reenactors. One of the most important things to remember when deciding on how you are going to carry is to try it out. Kluge up a similar rig and see if it works for you. I suspect that historical references to weapons under skirts (ladies of the night excepted) are mostly referring to ankle rigs (which work rather well) or to smuggling where access wasn't really an issue. Ones like the ones in the screen shots are most likely used to give an excuse for the actresses to lift their skirts on screen.
  13. Cutlass: Overall length: 30 inches Weight: 1lb. 7oz. Blade: 15N20, 25 inches long, 1/16 inch thick. Grip: full tang, hard maple with fencer's knot. Guard 1/8 steel Primary node: 15 in below guard guard. Secondary node: 1 1/2 in above guard. Point of balance: 3 in below guard. Pivot point: 3 in from tip.
  14. From the album: Privateer Armoury

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  15. From the album: Privateer Armoury

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