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Privateer Armoury

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Everything posted by Privateer Armoury

  1. As a side note I can craft a scabbard for any of the pieces on the website. Here is a recent one for the Messer and by Knife set:
  2. Very interesting. Has to be one of the most unique knives I've seen. Well done.
  3. Check in "Swords and Blades of the American Revolution" by George C. Neumann There is a section on knives (not sailor knives, alas) but you can get an idea of what was around. Hope that helps. P.S. if you want a little fancier piece check this one out: The image is a link to the gallery with the specs.
  4. As of 0800 this morning all available pieces are now 25% off I have to confess that it is not just patriotism that inspires the lower sale but the (Lord willing) acquisition of a ship (40' LOD magogany on oak, ketch, now days it would be called a boat but Morgan would have called it a ship) and the need for some refit.
  5. Thanks for all the kind words. A set like this cost around $5000 USD (United States Doubloons ) depending on the details.
  6. After Matt's article on this sword came out I was commissioned to craft a matching sailor knife and scabbards for it. Here is the set: Let me know what you think. Fair winds and calm seas.
  7. Here in the US we really don't look forward much to April 15th BUT here is a little something to redeem it. From now (April 15) through the end of the month I am offering 10% off all pieces on both websites. As always all items are first come first served. Click the images to navigate to to available pages. Enjoy!
  8. The sale has ended. Thanks
  9. I'm trying to clean out the shop so I am offering free shipping (to the continental US, international orders will receive a equivalent discount ) on all pieces on my available page. Ben Potter, Bladesmith Privateer Armoury Time re-stock the Armory for the summer cruise!
  10. Having received request for less expensive swords with thicker hand forged blades and forged guards I decided to incorporate these features in to the new line of swords from Privateer Armoury. Introducing the Quarterdeck Line: The specs for this sword are on the Privateer Armoury Gallery page (Click on the image below to navigate to it) The price point for these swords will be $500-1000 USD. Let me know what you think.
  11. It is interesting to see the company making a comeback and very ironic as well now that is is the other way around (India importing things to England) . (you might want to check on how the title of the thread looks on the forum)
  12. Here are the latest out of the shop: And perhaps a bit early for pirates but... There is more information about them on the Privateer Armoury website Enjoy!
  13. Privateer Armoury

    Privateer Armoury

    Tools of the trade.
  14. That be the truth. It is really hard to balance those two.
  15. For the most part I would agree with you Matt that this in not a typical example of a cinquedea. The reason I call it a Cinquedea is that is what the customer wanted. He gave me the dimensions for it and specified the grip style and pommel type, and no fullers. I tried to reconcile the specs to the historical pieces but you can only get so far towards five fingers when the blade width is specified at 2". I will, Lord willing, do a more historically accurate cinquedea in the future (with the wider blade, fullers, classic bone grips, V-guard and V pommel).
  16. 5 Fingers, and you are correct about where it is traditionally worn.
  17. From the album: Privateer Armoury

    © © Ben Potter 2011

  18. From the album: Privateer Armoury

    © © Ben Potter 2011

  19. The Cinquedea was a short sword popular in northern Italy in the 1400-1600's, it was used primarily as a cutting weapon and carried in a horizontal position near the small of the back. This piece is hand crafted. The blade is 1/16" Swedish 15N20 steel. The hilt is mild steel welded to the blade. Double crossing fencier's knots cover the hardwood grip. The technical specs are: PoB: 3.5" Pivot: 13.5" CoP: 12.5" SN: -1" In other words it handles rather nicely for a short cutting sword. (and the price is around $300)
  20. 13 oz. 25" LOA, 20" Blade
  21. Left to right: Cutlass: wide guard, fencer's knot grip. Sold Rondel Dagger,Heat blued guards, Bone grips. Sold Messer and By Knife set, black walnut grips, $400 Twist Dagger, blacksmith twist guard, waxed cord fencer's knot grip. $125 Hatchet Point Cutlass, D-guard with shell, double crossing fencer's knot grip, $300 (LEFT HANDED) Here is a link to the available page with the specs:
  22. Pictures of the double barrel, I have been wondering about what a DB blunderbuss would look like. Do you bore out the barrels yourself or start with a tube? Beautiful work either way.
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