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Privateer Armoury

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Everything posted by Privateer Armoury

  1. Great looking weapons. So the long one is for competition and the short one(sharpened) is for when you loose a bout
  2. As far as I know naval Dirks (as we know them) were just starting to catch on during the american Revolution. Daggers are just slightly newer than dirt.
  3. Price Drop on the blades on the Blog. And I added the Whale knife (at a large discount on the blog only) Let me know what you think. http://goingafloat.blogspot.com/p/workshop.html
  4. Here is another example of my past work. This one is my Wife's sailing knife, with carved true-lover's knots and burned details. The sheath is hot stuffed harness leather that is hand stitched and formed.
  5. I can custom make a knife to your specs. Send me a sketch or a description and we can work out the details. celtingaround@yahoo.com
  6. Thanks for the kind words, Mates.
  7. 6in blade, 10 1/2in overall (11in including the lanyard ring).
  8. Thanks Matt, coming from you that is quite a compliment.
  9. Here is another sailor knife that is available on the workshop page. Traditional sailor knife with 4 strand 2 color Moku grip and 4strand 5x9 two color turksheads, and a hitched lanyard ring.
  10. These swords are based on # 361.s p182 Swords and Blades of the American Revolution. The specs for the sharp sword: weight: 1lb 12oz. Length: 29 1/2" Blade: 25" x 1/8" PoB: 6" Cop: 17" SN: at guard
  11. Today it the big Day! Thanks to those who have already made their purchases we really appreciate it. Through out the day I will be removing pieces from the websites as they sell. Enjoy
  12. Full disclosure: This sale is not merely to make room in my shop for new projects, to line my pockets with silver(obviously since it is a sale), or to benefit the armed populace, it is chiefly to help defray the cost of bringing our ship in to port for some much needed maintenance and for a safe berth for the winter. Here she is at anchor off the coast: As you can see "much needed" is perhaps an understatement. Oh, and this isn't exactly a luxury as she is our home as well.
  13. You would email me and I can send you a paypal invoice for the reduced amount. My email is: celtingaround@yahoo.com Thanks
  14. Fall is my favorite season of the year with warm afternoons giving way to brisk evenings, the changing colors of the forest, harvest with all it's gatherings and fellowship. To celebrate the changing season I am offering 30% off the pieces on my AVAILABLE PAGE Also, 25% off the rigging knives HERE Be sure to mention that you want the sale price. This is good on the day of the Autumnal Equinox (9-23-2011) only. Everything is first come first served. Blessed Harvest to you all, and may you find a secure anchorage for winter.
  15. The blade is 1 1/2 inches wide at the handle side and it has a double bevel.
  16. I finally got enough details worked out to begin offering some sailing knives for sale. I am still in the process of learning to use the paypal tools so there may still be some glitches and anomalies. Take a look and see what yo think, over the next several weeks I will be making more different types and styles of knives as well as adding other tools of the trade. S / V Grace Workshop Let me know what you think and any suggestions are more than welcome.
  17. Here is an upgraded Forecastle Line piece: Let me know what you think.
  18. Glad you are happy with it.
  19. This sale be at an end. Thanks to all.
  20. Hello mate. WHile I agree that the Captains Box knife is easily worth the full price, the best I can offer ye is $300. I hate to see such a beautiful piece of work going for less then what the artist wants, but I can promise you that it will be seen by more pirates then you can imagine, since we, The Brigands, perform up and down the East coast at every major pirate festival, and it will b...

  21. As there were no takers on the first try I am offering 50% off until Noon Friday June 10th. If you have any questions please contact me.
  22. In the next week or so I am heading out to the island to start repairing my boat (Morgan would have called it a ship, but that is beside the point) and as any of you ship's masters know that it requires a fair quantity of doubloons. So from now until Saturday night I willing to let the pieces on my Available Page go for much less. If you are interested in either of them send me a email or PM telling me what you will pay one or both and on Saturday evening they will go the the highest bidder (provided that the rather low reserve is met). Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Ben
  23. Thanks for all the good information. I will be making some changes to Privateer Armoury based on this survey. Also, all the pieces on the site have sold. Congratulations to the new owners. Godspeed, Ben
  24. From time to time I like to find out where the arms and armour market is and what people are buying. There are three parts to the survey: 1. Answer the Topic Poll. 2. Post what you are planning on buying or looking for in the next 6 months. It doesn't need to be from me as other makers will be seeing this topic. 3. (here is the fun part) A. Go to the Privateer Armoury Available Page. B. PM me what pieces you like and what you would buy them for Today. (shipping the the contenental US is $50, international is around $75-100) C. If the price works for me then I will contact you and you can purchase the piece for what you offered. So, what items be ye short on at the moment?
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