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Everything posted by Shortshanks

  1. Shortshanks


    From the album: Boat project

  2. Shortshanks

    Boat project

    We built a brig(esq) ship from a 10 ft row boat. All 18 guns fire. Powered by electric trolling motor.
  3. Shortshanks


    From the album: Boat project

    Our ship sank!
  4. Shortshanks


    My first attempt at scrimshaw.
  5. Shortshanks


  6. Shortshanks


    From the album: projects

  7. Shortshanks


    From the album: projects

  8. Shortshanks


    From the album: projects

  9. Shortshanks


    From the album: projects

  10. my friend and I built our own brig. pics are in mt gallery, have a look and let me know what you think.
  11. Was at the Escondido Gold Coast Renn Fair yesterday and found this guy. Morris Design Studios http://dmorrisdesignstudio.com BEAUTIFUL work. Works in ancient mammoth ivory.
  12. that looks real good!
  13. You want buckles on the frog I take it. The frogs we've been making have multiple holes on the back part of the strips that hold the scabard so we adjust for fit-ment. Hope it gives you some ideas. Thanks for the compliment on my work.
  14. I believe this is where we introduce ourselves. If not, please let me know the longitude I should be in. That said, hello all!
  15. Thanks fer' the cousre and tack correction.
  16. Sorry Jib, they are in there now. Took me a little bit to get it in. Thanks for the complement.
  17. I believe this is were I should introduce myself, if not please direct me. My name is Shortshanks (Jason). I'm 43, in Southern Cal. I'm completely new to the site, and pirating in general. I got introduced to it a few years ago by a friend who throws a pirate party every year. We've been to renn fairs/pirate events ever since. We just started dressing for them last year. I've been interested in pirate things since a small boy. Have a few flintlocks.
  18. Totally awesome! I bought a water balloon launcher off the web. We've used it for airsoft re-enactments (naval fire for Tarawa) We're using it for D-day OP(german 88) coming up. We have used ALL kinds of things but the BEST are nerf howler rockets. We get 1500ft at 100psi. We're in the process of making a carrage for it for our pirate part. Also making a fiberglass shell to go over it. Kids will fire water ballons across the lake at a target. Just thought I'd share.
  19. Shortshanks


    Gun's sideways-that's a kill shot!!
  20. My friend and I built a miniature boat. Pics are in my gallery.
  21. Shortshanks


    inspiration for future projects.
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