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About Beowoulf

  • Birthday 11/25/1954

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Montreal, Quebec
  • Interests
    All things piratical, 5 string banjo, tobacco pipes, Mafia Wars
  1. Mission! HI!! Fop is coming, complete with WHITE shoes!! Arriving in Miami on Monday. Driving to KW. In a a hotel for a few days. Derrik is my Facebook log-in. Me and Zynga had a "disagreement" regarding the rules of Mafia Wars. I had to create another character. ;-)
  2. And the crowd goes wild....
  3. Call me a canting mugger, but have I'll went and procure lodging for the March coming. Now, my pretty lads, d'ye be joinin' me or d'ye have me make ye food for the fishes - which?
  4. Poppycock, I say! Poppycock! ;-)
  5. 32 waist ... jesus....
  6. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .... Utah is known for its ... uhm .... PIRATES! Yeah! That's it!
  7. Strap cutting tool could be useful, Bo. Tks for the offer.
  8. oh .. forgot to ask .. will there be leather workers/vendors there? Got a few gorgeous belt buckles (cast by someone on here .. can't remember his name) that need leatherin'. Seems to me William said there was a cobbler there once...
  9. I fly outta here in 10 days! Won't be long now! Can't wait!!!! And THIS time, my custom made, Cap't-Jack-made hat will be with me! Sure is gonna look funny wearing that on the plane.... How close is the fort to the Mississippi River?
  10. A pot to piss in.... Lady luck has not been kind of late....
  11. Welcome aboard! Now! Start savin' yer pennies fer the crazy pirate fest in Key West right after Thanksgiving. Two concurrent events (don't ask) called Pirates in Paradise and Fort Taylor Pirate Invasion! T'was (they were) my first event(s) - flown to from Montreal... and what a blast!
  12. Garden of Eden ... top floor (right there on the main drag)
  13. I'll take one of each!
  14. Why do pirates like buckles so much?
  15. Jas. Is that really your pic or is that Charleton Heston??
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