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Status Updates posted by CharityRackham

  1. The volunteering for Varity this Hallowe'en has been a blast! They say they have more in store for us in the future. I'm happy. They also say we're the best pirates they've had. Congrats crew! Wonderful job once more.

  2. Quick pop in and then out. Volunteering for Variety Children's Charity this Hallowe'en week, still doing BCRF edits and prepping for Steamcon (doing panels for them) plus all the other things... Yeah.. All a blur really but worth every moment... Later.

  3. Quick pop in and then out. Volunteering for Variety Children's Charity this Hallowe'en week, still doing BCRF edits and prepping for Steamcon (doing panels for them) plus all the other things... Yeah.. All a blur really but worth every moment... Later.

  4. Still sick from stress and working butts off at PPF. Would love to see more folks out next yr as well as more volunteers (more people =shorter shifts). But this one is surely an event to experience. Now.. Must go take care of myself. Have gig Sat. Need plenty vit c's

  5. I just received this a moment ago...

    Katherine Larsen 21 September at 10:35 Reply

    Calling all able bodied pirates. We are still at Cathedral Park trying to repair the damage from the Biblical Rains and vehicles.

    Show up with your shovel, rollers and muscle and help Luc and Redgoat pound down turf and plant grass!!! We can't afford thousands of more dollars in dama...

  6. Portland piratefest needs help today! I've posted Kate's message on my FaceBook. http://www.facebook.com/carrhunger

  7. Ill from the work I did @ PPF in the rain but happy I helped. Fight practice tomorrow & singing tonight. Should spend today getting better.

  8. We have arrived!!!! Portland. The Jade Dragon crew us back and we've already been greeted warmly by the Pirates of Puget Sound. So wonderful to be back in your arms. Feeling very much at home.

  9. Over the border and on my way to Portland town I go. Inserts for shoes in place. Ready to swing that sword for our public. YAY public!! Without them we'd be bored pirates.

  10. The foot still hurts and today's fight practice was tough but I made it through. Corrective inserts come next week (by Wed. they said) and I'll hopefully arrive in Portland out of pain.

  11. My foot. SO.. All you young up and coming pirate sword fighters, if you have high arches and have taken anything that may affect muscle and/or bone. GET ORTHOTICS!! Got X-Rays done to find out if my last performance is the cause of my excess pain and VOILA! Yes and no. Aparently, due to years of impact and the high arch and years of birth control (Yes - It can cause things like calcium depletion in somce women) my right foot now has a 'spear' in it where the bone has ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CharityRackham


      Trying not to kick myself for turning down orthotics when a Dr. in Toronto pointed out possible future damage. IN MATTERS SUCH AS THIS DO NOT LISTEN TO YOUR YOUNG STUBBORN PRIDE!! There. I said it.

    3. Elena


      I have a "spear" too... because the calcium doesn't go where it should. Join the club! :(

    4. CharityRackham


      Yeah. It's kind of weird on the X-Ray. Corrective inserts ordered. Hoping they'll get to me in time for PPF. I have to fight. Obligated and I will not skip on an obligation.

  12. I know.. To bed I must go. Hurt my foot and it is now covered in rub and wrapped for bed. Seeing Dr. Tomorrow. TTFN.

  13. Good to see many of you here. And I now know who is here AND on FB AND on MySpace. Much multimedia social sources and only one me.

    Note. I've set the comments to approval. I've learned from other social media services that there are some crazy folk who like to 'express' themselves freely on other people's places. Not here. You be friend - I approve. You be troll - No w...

  14. Aye!...It always be good where ever ye show up!...It has been a long time, guess I've been a frustrated pirate not bein able to do what me wants an' always wantin' more. Cant complain that much though got a lot of piratin' this year but thar' still be things that be keepin' me from me true pirate self. If ye be at PPF will see ye Thar!

  15. Ahoy Cap!

    Just an update that plans are progressing for PPF. We have another "yes" with a vehicle! Lookin' forward to makin a great impression from North of the '49 and the Rackham Fleet!

  16. Hello! I don't come on here much either. Facebook is where I 'live' these days. Good to see you here too tho. Lots of good info here. Thanks for stoppin' by and letting me know you are on here too!

    Fair winds and see you at PPF 2010!

    Twisted Maggie

  17. I can still see you.

  18. Just got back from meeting. Langley pirate day is a go. Facebook page coming soon. In reach of Langley BC? Have no plans Sept. 25? Let me know and I'll get you the info.

  19. Ok. Tghought I'd throw some pics up but am way to tired to continue. Maybe more later and a crew folder for pics as well? Don't know. I didn't even get to a lot of the outisde BCRF gig shots. Nighty night.

  20. Just had a very positive BCRF/Jade Dragon meeting. Happy to see our dedication to contracts & good people is paying off. I have three more meetings this week and plans for Portland and performance are coming along. I look forward to seeing you all again.

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