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Rusty O' Toole

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About Rusty O' Toole

  • Birthday 03/25/1984

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Gatesville, North Carolina
  • Interests
    Reenacting, Pyracy, Blackbeard, Sailing, Traveling
  1. Thanks to promotions at work, squad changes, squad shortages, and changes in work schedules.... can't make it to Beaufort. *sigh*

  2. Aye, thank ye. I'm lookin' forward to returning to Beaufort again.

  3. Aye, Rusty. We shall look for'rd t' yer comin' ta Beaufort. We shall have a time of joy and merriment wi tha Rusty Cutlass Crewe in attendence. We be keepin an eye peeled fer ye! Dutch, Bosun o' th "Meka"II

  4. planning for the invasion on Beaufort. Haven't been to an event in months... having pyracy withdrawals

  5. I would suggest calling the committee chairperson or the Beaufort Historic Site: The Beaufort HIstoric Site Location: 130 Turner Street - Beaufort Mail: PO Box 363 - Beaufort, NC 28516 800-575-7483 or 252-728-3988 or For additional information: Call 252-728-3988 or, Email Martha Barnes, Committee Chair, martha@cousinsbedandbreakfast.com
  6. Unfortunately, several times on Mythbusters on Discovery Channel they have showed the construction of several home made cannon. Undoubtedly, someone in their home will say "oh hey, I can do that" or "that'd be cool to have." Then they run down to their local hardware store and get what they need to make a ticking pipe bomb cannon on wheels. I can almost guarantee there are probably websites on the internet that show how to make your own cannons as well.
  7. As far as I have heard, this event is still on. I emailed my crews contact for this event to see if there are any further details available. Stynky was correct with the website address.
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