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Hunting Hawk

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Everything posted by Hunting Hawk

  1. $8,800 Oh, come now mates. It be a pirate chest, I think you could think of a more traditional method of aquisition than "paying" for it.
  2. I thought I took this quiz before but I don't see me name nowhere. It says I be Jack Sparrow but I thought I walked a little straighter than that.
  3. Rrrr rrrr rrr rr rrrrrrr rr Arrrgghh?
  4. I prefere cutlass but, I am getting older and the lighter blade of a rapier is looking more tempting each day.
  5. Aye, mate. I'll answere yer question if ye be buyin' the rum.
  6. Tis a beauty lass, I almost baught one like that meself. But, skinflint that I am I got me a cheaper one.
  7. I think if they sue him, the judge should let us decide on the punishment. Ther aint nothin better then pirate justice. Arrrgggghhhh! I did notice the boarding cutlass 'prop' he be sellin' is the same one I bought from an honest dealer, thirty dollars cheaper than what he has it for.
  8. Aye! Then his next sale on ebay can be a ziploc bag of crap that Disney scared outa him.
  9. As long as he be pourin' the rum, I calls 'im friend.
  10. Have a 'appy one RumbaRue. I'm buyin the next round an 'ere's to celebratin' all week long.
  11. Not bad at all Lady B. I'll have to check this one out.
  12. Thak ye mates. Looks like I'm a day late for me own party. I hope there be rum left.
  13. Arrrrgggghhhh, Maties I be finally back in this loverly port. After them scurvy dogs (my ISP) marooned me on a bloody wee island. I finally found me way back to sea. Drinks all 'round maties, let the celebratin' begin.
  14. Aye Morgan, happy birthday. I'll buy ye a round. Drink up till ye can't stand up.
  15. I just rented the movie for my youngest daughter. I was surprized how good it was. Great special effects.
  16. Ye didn't 'ave ta tell nobody lass. After all yer only as old as ye feel. Me fer instance, I'm only 14, I don't care wot me body says.
  17. Aye, appy 21st birthday Lady Barbossa.
  18. Steamin a hat is not dangerous at all lass but, ye can git the same effect just by runnin cold water over it till it soaks through. Ye then put it in the shape ye want an make sure it be propped in that shape till she dries. I've reblocked me own stetson that way many a time in cold mountain streams.
  19. Robert, put in disc 1 and go to where it says bonus features. It'll then mention audio commentary, click on that and then you'll see the list of the different commentaries. Now, once you pick one it will start at the beginning of the movie with them talking in the background. You can also scene select by going to the main menu and going to scene selections. The commentary will stay on. All of the commentaries have interesting info. Enjoy! :) Aye, Zorg, some of us young lasses like the older, more mature pirates out there. Funny, Jack/Johnny Depp is 40 but acts like a kid-lol! Aye, mature, that's what I be. An ere all along I thought I were just gettin old. I 'ere tell when ye git old, ye start yer second childhood an I been stuck in me first one fer fifty years.
  20. I been noticin, whilst sail in the internet sea an I would put to port in some landlubber's discussion forum, there were nothin but fightin an' arguein. The only friendly harbor I found, be right 'ere amonst pirates. An' they say we're the bad uns.
  21. Now those are good lookin hats at good prices. Most the hats I seen that cheap looked that cheap. By the way Zorg, what happened to yer Avitar? Ye look kinda squashed, like ye been sat on.
  22. Then again, baggy britches may not be the problem lad. Could be ye just need to eat more.
  23. Thank ye fer the help. There's a few good ideas there. I were also thinkin o servin some chicken, course I'll tell em it be parrot. (why else would a pirate keep a parrot on board.)
  24. There are ways to make the guns work. But, I'd have to take a lot o plunder to afford it.
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