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Everything posted by CaptainDrake

  1. Ahoy there, mates. I'm Simon Drake, o' the Sunken Bones Society. We're an organization out here in Denver, Colorado what raises money for maritime causes by hosting the largest landlocked TLAPD party around! Yarr! I've long been into pirates and piracy and, coupled with a deep abiding love of history, of reenactment, and of the sea -- provided the perfect foundation for bein' a pirate as much o' the year as is mundanely possible. Tis a pleasure to finally make the acquaintance of those o' you here .... I've heard many a good tale about this place and just never have found the time to stop by. Now I'm kicking myself for not having done so sooner. Looking forward to learning more about ye all, and about yer passion for pirates. Yers by the Code, S. Drake, Captain, The Sunken Bones Society
  2. To paraphrase Henry Morgan, Hywel Davis, Bartholemew Roberts (And some say Davy Jones himself). Sy 'ch yn galw Saesneg chi anadl? So, Grymm -- would ye be kind enough t'share with us what yer quote means? I'm assumin' Welsh Gaelic, but could be wrong.... Drake
  3. Avast there he scallywags! As many o' ye be knowin', thar be a piratical convention be happenin' in Denver come September 18th. BrethrenCon it be, an' if the winds be any mark, it's promisin' t'be a day the likes o' which old Hob has yet t'see! If ye or yer piratical mates be plannin' on settin' sail fer said shindig, and would like t'be sharin' yer knowledge of life on the account, send a messenger by yer fastest ship over t'the BrethrenCon port o' call, and let the fine crew that be puttin' together the festivities know who ye be, and what ye be wantin' to share. Panels will be considered in just about any format ye can name -- round-table discussions, classroom instruction, or participatory engagements -- you name it! Topics can be serious in nature, or more t'the light-hearted sort, an' should they concern historical or modern piracy, or anythin' t'be doin' with piracy in popular media, thar be a good chance ye'll be accepted as panelists. (a side note, to readers of this forum: While this is a general invitation for -any- sort of piratical panels, I posted it here because I truly hope some of ye who may be attending, and are partial to forums such as this what espouse authenticity and historical accuracy might be interested in bringing yer knowledge t'this shindig. Many thanks fer yer listenin') Drake
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