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matty short thumb

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About matty short thumb

  • Birthday 08/13/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    ports, ships, and under your bed.
  • Interests
    wisky, rum, burbon, beer. not nessessarily in that order.
  1. I strongly suspect that for the sake of "rescuing" said gun, Dutch will not notice the Explorer's gone missin... i'm sure it would grand on th' deck o' the Luna...
  2. i am touched, sir. thankee. i cannot say what this event means to me. there are no words. i could not hope for a better first year and i look forward to the next.
  3. great to go and great to be back.

  4. party boat, party boat, paarty boat. diggin it.
  5. well do to ye, sir. let me know when ye wish ta take a vessil fer yer own, i'll be glad to lend a hand.
  6. and in my humble opinion, the leave of your senses. i'll still with the kraken, thank you. no offense intended to you sir, but 600 qiud for 40 year old rum?? this is for rich folk with more money than common sense. MST
  7. well, the way i would produce these types of glass would be as rondells. i don't have the techniques for sheet glass, and i'm not sure what crown or boullion glass is. i'd need links to see what it looks like and whether i could reproduce it. i can produce rondells quickly and with out much heatache, and i know for a fact that the are period as my instructer was and is a jamestown glassblower. his name is chad clark, you can look him up. rondells limit the size that i can manage to perhaps 12 inches circular. the process involves literally spinning a round bottomed cup untill it becomes a flat plate. the glass i has access to is fairly clear soft glass. it has a slight greenish tint to it when it has more than 1/2 inch of thickness. i can add small amounts of color to it to cerate a more greenish tint which would be more accurate. as for seed bubbles, the best i can do for that is to take my gathers from the furnace before the batch melts fully, thus giving me seed glass, but there is an increased chance of trash in the gather. trash being potstones from the furnace. bill: i will work up some samples and get some pics up asap.
  8. matty short thumb

    me n her

  9. I will rember this incident. peace be upon those who were lost. is it possible for a homemade cannon to take multiple firings then completely let loose like that?
  10. i'm doomed to be no thumbs, ain't i? oh well. but thanks to everyone for havin' me and amber along and makin us feel right at home. on to beaufort, eh?
  11. captn, i'm sure i can arrange a swim for you far eariler than that. although i'm none to sure of the clorine content of the james river...
  12. good gad, sir! look at the wonder on that mans face!! he is truly in awe.
  13. ah it is a shame to hear of you loss, sir. but have you perchance looked in the good captain sterlings pockets? now if you'll excuse me i must be running i hear the bos'n has a new whip! j/k j/k i say!
  14. adam, that looks fantastic!
  15. my good captain, i may be a pressed man, and as such at the whims of those above my station, but i belong solely to myself. i shall follow all orders to my utmost, but i shall not be owned! i survived neither the attentions of the church, nor my africanni family, nor the rathful sea, by allowing others to hold my will in bond. /roleplay
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