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bo'sun Carl

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Everything posted by bo'sun Carl

  1. If all goes well Master Alan and I will be there as always.
  2. A fine looking vessel sir!
  3. This is a wonderful event to attend but you do need to prepare for ALL weather. As for attending this event it is "iffy" for Master Alan and my self(being so close to deer season). As to the woods walk I would sugjest that if you have never done one you pick a team at random and folow along as an observer. The fort requires full stock flint lock long arms for participation in the woods walk, if Master Alan and I can attend we would most certainly throw in with any one that wants to form a team.
  4. A major issue has arisen and you will most probably not see any more Wilde weavery blankes for sale. That being said the knowledge and research already done by themis still there for the asking. I believe my son recieved one of the last blankets she had for sale. A major travasty for sure wilde blankest are a pleasure to sleep in they will shed water(within reason), and are softer than any I have ever spent the night in, warm as toast I spent a frosty weekend sleeping on the ground, in a Missouri river bottom and spent tow tollerable knights there(only one blanket)!!
  5. You might contact C.J. Wilde of the Wilde weavery she made my blankets on an antique Irish loom if any one was to be able to give you the information you are loking for it would be her. She does alot of research before she makes any pattern(color or weave pattern) for her blankets. Besides being all around good people she and her husdband are VERY detail oriented. The blankets they normaly emulate are form the F and I period or Rev war. They are the best I could find or afford(they are not cheap one was almost $700 and my sons was just over $500)
  6. I would think that any knife COULD be a sailors knifeas long as it rides comfortably comes to hand quickly and is capable of holding a razors edge is a sailors knife especialy a pirate's. That being said I carry a opinel carbon steel folder in my waistcoat pocket at all itmes at events. I also carry a "hammer knife" when I am demonstrating rope work in my working attire. Whem dressed in my finery I carry a windlass steel craft "sailors knie" in my sash. Around my neck usualy hangs a sheeps foot blade that a friend made for me. All of the afore mentioned knives meet my personal standard for a sailors knife. So even if you do not see them they are always close at hand.
  7. We would be willing, of course, but what of you crew? We tend to harbor and feed the orphans who are without crew or company. I have no objection!! Would love to have them Sir! Welcome..
  8. Master Alan also would like to comtribute a miniture dragon pistol and blunderbuss if you think it apropriate for his persona.
  9. with weapons like that I would expect a nice seven buckle rapier cariage would be in order!!!!!!
  10. OUCH!!! Sorry to hear that. Aren't these the knives that we were discussing some at Fort De Chartres? I'd love to put that to my grinder for sure! Beautiful workmanship. Bo You and me both. And yes that is a small one....
  11. My time in a pofessional kitchen tells me that a nonpourus plastic board is the way to go but they are murder on your knives. When butchering venison, beef, poultry, or fish I always reach for the plastic, breads on the other hand are always cut on a board. The only reason for the change it the dificulty in sharpening the serated knife if it where easier I would reach for the plastic. They are easier to clean and require almost no maintance. Just my tupence.
  12. If I had not just spent $1100 on my truck that would be mine for sure.
  13. Wow Lob got a bath!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the pic's the bo'sun's mate will be so happy!!! Thanks Michael and Kate...I still can't belive Lob sat for a bath and pictures!!!! That was one brave washer woman!
  14. This was the first I heard of it so it must not have been all that bad here!!!!!! Been out all day and no radio.
  15. OOPS!!! I did not see that the wife was loged in. still excited!!!!!!!
  16. You and your bride will be missed. Take care until we meet again.
  17. I also lurk here often. But I don't often post unless it is subject that peeks my intrese and have something to add. But I am here at least three to four times a week. I think you might find alot of people doing the same.
  18. Onus do you want me to bring some white cotton cord to the fort and help you make knot buttons and frogs? Or maybe some 6mm hemp? I know a guy that might have some we could get on the cheap.
  19. It seems that over twenty years of living history I have owned a flintlock that fits in almost every catagory(some where bought frome someone that did not know how to fix them). I am a self professed cheap skate so I have had to learn to make repairs and adjustments to my locks over time. At one event I am the resident flint lock mechanic, I love to see the look on peoples faces when their gun fires after minor adjustments usualy done on the fly in a battle senario.
  20. I will roll up about three dozen scotch eggs. There are always people selling leather by the side double shoulder or my personal favorite belly skirts or you could just buy a belt blank, but then you would not have anything left for those small projects that seem to pop up. I am hoping the weather improves and the ground dries up!!!!!!! If we are camped in the military area we will be needing a rake for the sweet gum balls especialy if anyone is sleeping on the ground!!!!
  21. I need a aproximate number of people we will be feeling so I can prep enough eggs for sunday, don't want to send anyone away hungry!!!!!!
  22. Master Alan and I are still planning to be there. When is the latest I can get you items for the auction?
  23. Good job sir!!! It does my heart good to see another freecycler out there making what they need.
  24. Well I guess this the place to add my tupence. For my part I tend to enjoy the challenge entertaining while sneaking in a little education. I once overheard a old salt at an event disparaging the public for their ignorance and generally being an ASS, I took it apon my self to ask him if he ever bothered to try to educate them at all surprise he had not he was there for the booze and the broads. If we can't entertain as well as educate the public at events the hobby we love WILL DIE. Look around at events at events next time you go how many children and young adults do you see in period attire, who will carry the banner when you pass to fiddlers green? It is we as whole who need to nurse the tiny spark of interest in the youth today if it is to become the all consuming fire we have. I have seen the future and it is bleak for us all if we hide our selves away from the public and don't answer their questions no matter how many times the get it wrong! I will admit that a all first person event is fun. I have been doing living history in one persona or another for twenty years and have seen crowd levels wain yearly. If you do this hobby for you then sit it your living room alone and have a good time dressed if your finest hand sewn attire and never be seen, but if you do this for a love of history then get outside and educate others about what you love and are passionate about. I personally DO NOT have a problem Hollywood pirates they interest the young and they in turn motivate their parent to bring them to the events, while they are looking for Jack why not sneak a little education in? After all it is their patronage that drives the coffers of the events we attend. SORRY FOR THE RANT..
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