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Lieutenant Alex

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Everything posted by Lieutenant Alex

  1. haha, its been a while ! just wanted to thank u all for ya feed back :) last year i got into my uni and its going well, i was practicing digital painting etc today just wanted to post it here :)
  2. i have a few but im really really busy, if i can ill post my work in a few weeks sorry gertie i got 2 weeks left of college im getting my focus on!
  3. yeah i am taken Gertie advice on m static poses done a few sketches to experiment before hand 10 sketches per page planning on doing more through out my development book got the lay out from this sketch for bugs bunnys first cartoon in 1940s a wild hare
  4. haha i was looking at them earlier thinking ;O oh snap was i meant to post my work there and not on the forums ! im totally surprised to have a impact on the forum as small as it may be, and yeah a lot of the drawings are pretty damn good, id be proud to claim them as my own work XD. yeah i have a portfolio btw gertie its what got me in wit ease :) I need to learn to drive before i can take such a bold commitment though ;f going london this saturday with my family to look at the maratime muesum and the golden hinde for this project ! well last term i didnt finish one of my projects, i had the idea to try create a prehistoric game and i had to design everything but i just kinda gave up on the idea when it came to designing. I only draw my best when i love the idea or have a great sense of direction with my project :) Atm i just love the pirate gear, i love the flintlocks and tricorne hats and sea boots(despite its authenticity ) in pirate garb. I dont know why but I really want a tricorne hat XD im just in love with pirate costume atm helps with my designs :)
  5. It's obvious you have some real skill. In University your feedback will not always be as gentle as <ahem> it is here. It's good you are willing to listen. Stories abound of people working in animation being told their work is "crap" by their bosses.So- don't take it personally, and take the criticism as it is given- all in the name of making you a better artist. Now- to work on your posing! Your posing so far is a bit static. Try - for your next drawing - to make it more dynamic. Not facing square to the viewer- but either a three quarter pose, with some movement. If these drawings are going into your portfolio- this would be the perfect kind of drawing to attempt! yeah defiantly, gonna try a mid combat pose for my next sketch ;D! sad story gertie such a great shame. I hope I make it to the point were i get paid to do what i love doing, whilst listening to Boney M . Im going to hertfordshire university :) was my first interview and i got offered a place on the day! i was so chuffed ! since it was my best option i didnt go to all of interviews only 2/4
  6. well my life drawing teacher said to me recently that it was good to teach a student that genuinely enjoys drawing for a change im glad it shows in my work :) Funny enough im studying concept art for games and films at University when i start there in september. Ill get taught how to take my traditional skills digitally there, i didnt want to give the impression that im some fine arts student ;o I just progressed through trial and error, self teaching the mechanics of shading, anatomny etc with guidence from teachers along the way. Ive only started getting feedback online this year and its made a big impact on my ability so far ! so thanks again
  7. New Re worked the leg. Really happy with its stance now :)! thanks for the feedback everyone I read every word :)! stay tuned for more
  8. another sketch. lowered hat, maybe needs more lowering, tried drawing a waist coat for a change. the torso looks quite flat to me but im still working on it. the proportions look pretty solid i edited the left leg in the picture because it had a awkward pose before hand :) also i tried the pose on my self this time and this is how i found my feet facing. 1 forward and one pointing away, i think i should of faced the left foot inwards a little more tho
  9. its fine, ive found some information really helpful anyway. thanks for taking the time to post
  10. yeah well im still 17 and studying in college but this project will enable me to get my place at uni :) i can draw feet i just haven't made the effort here ill definitely put more effort into the next few sketches for you guys! :) on a totally unrelated drawing this was something a drew a few months ago. This was a small chunk of some anatomy research i did when i was designing a character :) i know know that i was slightly enlarging the calf muscles etc just thought this picture kinda showed a more complete drawing ^-^ feet n all :) this is a few months old as well
  11. i have a feeling u would believe me if i said it but i kinda realized when i was drawing the baldric that if i put a sword in here it would balently fall out i just couldnt be bothered with re drawing it lazy ! thanks for the feedback regardless tho :)!
  12. yeah the sword in the last drawing looks more like a scimitar XD wasnt looking at my cutlass research when i drew it thanks alot ;D!
  13. The body has some nice work- you are working the angles and some of the contours really well- but the shoes are still- not even cartoony. Feet are hard- but that is where I would suggest you practice. I know- I'm having problems with feet and hands now myself- your hands are coming along nicely. Also, perhaps practice more dynamic poses, not just side or dead on views, try 3/4 views, explore the movement of the body. Explore foot stance, and balance. Explore angles, and perspective. just my 2 shillings. cheers, the poses came out of my head so yeah the feet arent really a area im concerned with and in the middle drawing i just rushed them to convey the stance cheers for the tips tho
  14. sorry for double post ;x just updating because ive started designing here in this thread, thanks again for your feedback guys http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=16901
  15. Hey, First time posting on this part of the forum, Im posting some of my development work for college on designing a pirate character. I probaly have 50 drawings done over the weeks. Here are the first few, please feel free to criticize the clothing etc being it your expertise as pirate lovers :). It may not all be time relevant being alot of my research is from all over the 18th century. :)
  16. hey, I need to know some places that have ship that are available for the public to go on, i've looked at the golden hinde but i am not sure how to navigate the site. I just need to know if the ship is accessible on the 28th. I am going to london this wednesday so if you could name any spots in london especially that would be great as well as anywere other ships around the uk u have visited.
  17. thanks alot bright big help ive gotten alot of research on the clothing and weaponry just from lurking around other threads as well, could any link that slops code? i don't remember its full name (pardon my ignorance)
  18. I called my self Lieutenant Alex for the irony c: , I went to my town library and school library and nothing of use. I went looking for books that generally revolve around the 18th century but they couldn't really help me. Got any more names of books Jas, Ill prepare a list this time to i can be more specific
  19. thanks jack, ;D. I just tried to register but i simply couldn't get the confirmation code right. Its so difficult to read that i got it wrong 6 times and now i cant attempt to register for while:(
  20. Ive already come across that guide bright thanks and thanks a lot bilgewater browne that info is something i've been looking for! thanks a lot jack that website is superb! ill defiantly be using it in for my research. I'm trying to get some images of some 18th century hangars and cutlasses atm. im struggling though ;( any good sites for swords? or historical weaponry?
  21. hey, i came across this forum in my research. I am hoping that you guys will help me with my college work as i am aiming to design a series of pirate characters. if you would like to help please read this thread here: http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=16814 thanks alot
  22. ahh thanks allot guys :) i need reference for drawings btw :)+ also if any of you pirates are from the uk? do you guys know about any places in london I can visit to look at pirate related shops or bars etc.
  23. Hey, I am a student and for my last project at college I am preparing to create a set of pirate characters in 3d, i've come to your forum because it seems rich in information and I would be totally appreciative if you guys could answer a few of my questions mainly regarding clothing and other things such as literature, films, graphic novels or anything that you think you think is useful in creating a authentic pirate costume. This is the project that if i do well enables me to go to university in September so your help is definitely welcome and needed It would be great if I could get a list of all the items of clothing a pirate from the mid 18th century would have. If I have to be specific i am thinking 1745- 1755 but a list in general terms would be great too. Id love it if you could give me some specific names for any parts of the clothing on the list below as well as tell me if i've missed anything important out. So far i've gotten: WAISTCOAT SHOES/BOOTS (although I haven't gotten any reference material for boots) SHIRT (I've only gotten white linen shirts so far not sure what to search for to find the shirts pirates wore in the 18th century) HAT(I've gotten a variety of tricorne hats but any more would be nice) COAT ( I really need some names of coats pirates wore, Its really hard to get any good images i've only looked at frock coats so far and gotten 2 images ) BREECHES BELT/BELT BUCKLES (I really need some more images of belt buckles from the 18th century) BALDRIC Any good websites with material on pirate clothing would be fantastic as well as any movies books etc you think would be good research I'll try post some of my development later on in the project for you guys to critique and tell me if something looks wrong with the clothing. I you are actually a costume designer or you made your own if you could post what you used as reference material that would be awesome thanks
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