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Everything posted by Korisios

  1. Ok this is what I am looking for: The text and the images ar comming from the "partizan historical" book "The armies and Uniforms of Marlborough's Wars Vol 2" ISBN 1-85818-522-X. From the image it looks as if it's a shield of arms with the Spanish cross behind it and a crown above it. But I would love to get some detailes. Looking at Spanish reenactors today, I havend found anyone sporting such a emblem on their pouch or anywhere else. I quess no one ever attempted to make this thing. In the worst case scenario we'l have to make it up ourselfs. working from other spanish coat of arms drawings. Anyone fancy such a brass or brons casting or embossing job??
  2. Ah Dutch cavalry great! If your impression is finished, we should you invite you over here to Holland! Can't wait to see your progress...
  3. Hm now I am having a problem I like all those maps...
  4. I am looking for examples and replicas of the Burgundian Spanish Cross that i can make or use as a badge for example for on a cartridge pouch. Until now I have nothing that could be used for such. Is there anyone who can point me to such an artefact or maybe even a reproduction? Either brass brons or tin would be fine with me. I can also maybe have someone cast these for me but even then I do need an example... Thanks!
  5. Great! can I see a close up of the Atlantic part?
  6. are there also period maps that show the currents and the winds? Making it possibloe to explain the audience (with period maps) how they used to sail from europe to the carribeans and back. Like we discussed Here ?
  7. It's gorgeus!! Looking foreward to the results!! <IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt= src="http://pyracy.com/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif"> <BR><BR>Is it going to be only this one? Or could you make more of these with the exsisting molds or something??
  8. If you guys tell me steel is authentic as well then that's fine with me also.
  9. Great, thanks for the explenation. Sound ok to me! Looking foreward to it.
  10. I am wandering wether I would like my Spanish buckle without the patina. Preferably I prefure the look used but not ancient. Especialy being an colonial Spanish officer I quess I would have a slave (or two) to polish my stuff recularly?
  11. I like this one but I am wondering a view things: first what period is this one? For a 1700-1730 period military shirt would this one do? If I would like a shirt without thge big collar, could I modefy this one? Sincerly.
  12. Yeah nice little book. I bought vol.2 for the Spanish that are in there, but now I am cona buy the other vol.1 also... Thanks for the tip!
  13. For what period are these pocketknifes usefull?<BR><BR>Are there any on that website theat would do for 1700/1740?<BR><BR>You guys made me wander...<IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt="" src="http://pyracy.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif"> <IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt= src="http://pyracy.com/public/style_emoticons/default/huh.gif">
  14. I know it's the wrong way around to have an idea and then try to find info to back it up. But i am gona ask it anyhowe... I do have books with Spanish uniform drawings one of them shows a militia uniform from around 1774 having green piping around the button holes with thoos clover shapes. This made me wandering if theres any evidence for this practise earlyer in the 18th century?? Learning from my enbroiderybook it is clear that the technique of sowing thicker thread on to the curface of clothing was done in combination with other enboidery techniques. But as a stand alone idea I don't know... Then again many officer uniforms have the edges, button holes, buttons and pocket flaps lined with gold bullion tape almost in the same fasion as the later golden piping on uniforms. So to me it looks as a small step to use also golden cord for that...
  15. More clothing KCI Digital Archive unfortunatly does it start around 1750, but nevertheless nice stuff with a good soom function to sheck out the details...
  16. So going back would mean taking a nother route?
  17. Interresting indeed, are also maps somewhere of the route they would plan to be taken, did they also make use of the currents? or is all the wind that makes them go?
  18. Er is er één jarig, hoera hoera! * Dat kun je wel zien dat is.. Mister Bagley.. *dutch happy birthday song.
  19. You could ask the Bible making guy about what is inside these covers originaly?<BR><BR>...and then let us know...<IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt= src="http://pyracy.com/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif">
  20. I quess some kind of braid is the idear (on this drawing), using multicollored ribbons it might make a fancy adition to ones coat. on this site guite some guys have them being clearly some indication of rang like with the later (true) epaulets...
  21. Ok so a "Fob" (always learning new (to me) english words here) it is. And indeed it looks in many occations to be a ribbon made up into several loops and also showing two fringed. And sometimes they apear to be just a rope...
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