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Everything posted by Brass

  1. Greetings all, My lady Guantanamera and I are looking forward to meeting you at the PiP later this year. As we are both new to Pyrate events I'm wondering how registration &c for PiP works. If there is a camp for old-timey 1660s buccaneer types please let me know as that is my time frame and impression. I'm a bit old-school (i.e. not GAoP) and want to find a place where my impression fits at the event. Thanks for any information and will see you later this year.
  2. All - Thanks for the welcome, and I know I'm in good company as I ain't been parted with me personal possessions yet! It's great to be here. My fine lass Guantanamera and I just recently got aboard this site. We do other periods of living history but are new to Pyrating. Being land-locked and surrounded by the great inland seas is nice though not as nice as the clear water, sandy beaches, palm trees, and cool Caribbean breezes. Was an interesting turn to spend a year trapped on the dry, desolate east end of Cuba then wake up one morning in the towne of deTroit! Who'd ha thunk..!?!? From the Spaniards to the Frenchies – an Englishman's bad luck, indeed. Mission & M.A.d'Dogge – I don't know about any Michigan events, was hoping to find out about some here. From what I've read on this forum the event in the Keys would be very nice. Looks like the Bloomingdale event is closest and certainly worth a look for me as all who go seem to enjoy it. I've looked at some of the photos & such from this website and both of these events look very interesting for sure. Brass
  3. Greetings all - I'm new to this forum, just checking in. Looking forward to my stops in this 'ere port. Brass
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