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Tall Paul

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Everything posted by Tall Paul

  1. I think that if the red flag represented "No Quarter Given", There is a degree of logic to it being superseded by the black flag. I read somewhere that a common practice was to fly the black flag whilst attacking, but after a period of time had passed, if the pirates had the advantage, the black flag was struck, and replaced with the red flag indicating that it was too late for surrender, as no quarter was to be given. Presumably the intention of this practice was to persuade the attacked crew that once the battle had turned against them, they should surrender before the red flag was raised. If the pirates attacked flying the red flag, indicating that no quarter would be given. There is no benefit in surrendering. Although the message of attacking flying the red flag is the more terrifying, there would be no benefit to the attacked in surrendering. It would be in a pirates best interest to persuade their victims to give up without a fight. (As sometimes happened so I believe.) So experience would have shown the benefit of flying the Black flag instead of the red. As for the skull and cross bones, its use was wide spread during the 17th and 18th It appears on gravestones funeral invites and pious people sometimes carried small fobs or other jewellery in the form of a skull or even a skeleton as a reminder of their own mortality. (incidentally, I think that this is why it is unlikely that a pirate would have be-decked himself with skull jewellery, he had probably long since come to terms with his own mortality, and even if he hadn't, he would be unlikely to be openly wearing items that were associated with a fear of death.) Remember that during the second half of the 17th century, the black death was within living memory, and epidemics were still common. Pirates simply exploited their intended victims familiarity with these symbols, and used them to install fear. likewise, during this time period, Death was represented not as the scythe carrying be-robed figure that we think of today, but by an emaciated, skeletal figure carrying a lance and an hour glass. another common figure on pirate flags.
  2. Edward Lilac I think that is a perfect name for the author of those Mills&Boon, (Do you get Mills&Boon in the States?) period romances.
  3. Ho Hum, I said it was a work in progress. I think so far there have been more hits than miss. I Kinda like Gold Back Lynn, it sounds Exotic, and it involves gold which is always a plus for Pirates. And as Killian said, Green Arm Mike sounds like a name that could have resulted from a nasty septic battlewound. Anyway, the Idea was to get people thinking. Can anyone come up with a better formula? If so, please post it here, because between you and me, i think that "Silver Toe Dick" was definately a miss
  4. These online name generators have always seemed a bit random to me. I was wandering if there was a formula for finding your pirate name, in the same way that there is a formula for finding your pornstar name. first pets name + mothers maiden name = your pornstar name (Bud Fox in my case ) or the formula for finding your romance writer name. Second name + the street where you live = romance authers name (Richard Greenstead) Please bear in mind that this is a work in progress, but here is a first attempt at a pirate name formula. Here it goes. Colour of your car/vehicle(or your front door if you do not drive) + The part of your body that most recently needed medical attention (sticking plasters count) + your second name (last name if you don't have a first name) = Your pirate name. You should abbreviate your second name if possible for example William = Will or Bill, Richard = Dick Thomas = tom etc. Its a bit rough at the moment, but give it a go and see what happens. By the way, that would make my pirate name Silver Toe Dick Any othe suggestions for a pirate name formula are welcome.
  5. Strictly speaking, the UKPirateBrotherhood isnt a Society, it is a network for members of different societies to talk to eachother, and plan events. To the best of my knowlege, there are at least a dozen societies in Great Britan. (see my post in the Europe section for a list) if it helps, the C.H.E.S. Website (my group) is www.ches.me.uk
  6. Has anyone seen the Museumreplicas bucket boots first hand? They look good in the photograph, but I have seen some repro buckettops with the buckets sewen in from seperate pices of leather and stitched in place as perminant cuffs. Proper buckets should be made fom one leanghth of leather so that they can be pulled up to protect the thighs.
  7. Best way to get your kit truly grubby is to work a gun crew a few times! Most of my kit has got that authenticly dirty texture as a result of sitting around campfires for a couple of seasons. The method traditionaly used by film wardrobe departments to distress costumes is to put them in a tumble dryer with a few large rocks. (Mind you, the dryer is not much good for anything else afterwards. I have had some experience of the tricks used by film wardrobe departments, another common one is a mixture of fine blending powder (Usually used as makeup, you could try powder paint or fullers earth) and vasaline. Think about where costume meets greesy flesh. around the cuffs, pockets, button holes etc. Also use sandpaper to simulate wear. again, think about where you would rub against things, elbows, forearms and so on. If you make any holes in the fabric, be sure to darn them, as would have happend in the 18th century. One word of warning about tea. If you make the tea too strong, and are trying to stain something white like a shirt, it will die the fabric pink! I know, it happend to me.
  8. I am trying to get some idea of just how many Pirate enactors are active in and around Great Britain, So far, I Have come across 13 or so different societies staging pirate events in the UK these are as follows. Colchester Historical Enactment Society (C.H.E.S.) Piratical Union of Bucaneers, Corsairs and Associated Trades (PUBCAT) The Company of the Red Crow De Werenne Household Bonaventure Sea Thieves Flints Crew Sheppey Pirates Hounds of Morrigan Black Spot Enterprises Bonny's Buccaneers Black Flag The Harlots Do you belong to one of these Societies? Do you know about a Pirate society not listed above? Are you an independent British Freebooter interested in taking part in UK shows? Do you belong to a European Crew who would be interested in travelling to the UK for Major events? Please tell me about yourself or your society. In about a weeks time, I intend to launch a survey on the UKPirateBrotherhood Yahoo Egroup, http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/ukpiratebrotherhood The main aim of this will be to get a full picture of the activities of pirate enactors in and around the UK, and hopefully establish better contact between the various groups, including more URL's in the links section. So, If you Haven't already joined the UKPirateBrotherhood, please consider doing so. "Tall Paul" Adams (AKA Not as tall as "taller than tall Paul" Paul)
  9. And another thing! Ok, I should get all of my facts together before I make a posting, but I just noticed this. He is now, no longer using the Jas Townsend Pictures. This suggests to me that he hass either been contacted by Jas Townsend, or that he reads this message board, and has noted the previous threads. It seems to be un unlikly coincidence that he changes the pictures after a discussuon about the copyright of images on ebay.
  10. I just took another look at his auctions. He is in fact selling four "Unique" Gorgets, he is testing the market, as the buy it now price has gone up with every submission, starting at $64.99. The Price is now up to $89.99 for a $30.00 Gorget.
  11. I have a small collection of props from pirate films, so I have an ebay search set up to help me. I have not bought any of the advertised POTC Props advertised, because none of them inspire enough confidence for me to risk my hard earned cash. However, I now have no doubt whatever that the traider calling himself "Factory Direct Parts" is the con artist formally known as Piratesrus. He has started to flood the market with his tat, and I recognise some of the pictures of items as those used by Piratesrus. However he is now using the "Buy it now" option, and seems to be doing a steady turnover. At one point he was selling three Jas Townsend Gorgets, as Patriot props, each described as "Unique" People seem to put a lot of faith in Certificates of authenticity, without ever questioning the authenticity of the certificate.
  12. Thats Exactly my point! Jas Townsend have no control over what happens to their goods once they have sold them. But according to the ebay rules, re-using photographs is a breach of terms. under the VeRO Programme http://pages.ebay.co.uk/vero/ However, only the holder of the rights can make participate, so only Jas Townsend can make a complaint. They may not consider it worth the trouble.
  13. I just saw the latest "Prop" from Factory Direct Parts, http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=7519940696 I think that this confirms that this is pirates-r-us back again. I distinctly remember that photo of Bruckhiemer being used on a Piratesrus auction. I dont know how how things are done in the movies in the USA, but I have worked on a number of feature films here in the UK, including American productions like King Auther, and a sharp like that being used as anything other than a featured item under safe conditions, would be un herd of. Any daggers like that, used by extras, or stuntmen, would at the very least be blunted, and most likly it would be cast from hard rubber or plastic. Also it would be distressed to make it look grubby and old, not shiny and new as this dagger looks. Just a thought, strictly speaking, Jas Townsend have not been ripped off, but if you look at the ebay terms and conditions, this seller has broken the rules by using the pictures lifted from the Jas Townsend website. Unforunately, the only person who can complain to ebay about this is the true holder of the rights to the image, IE Jas Townsend.
  14. For some strange reason, The hats are less than the cocked hats on the Jas Townsend website. Since everything else is greatly marked up, I am wandering if the tricorns are "as pictured" or if he is using the picture to sell similar items that he already has.
  15. Is He Back ??????????????? Take a look at this ebay shop. http://stores.ebay.com/Factory-Direct-Part...1QQftidZ2QQtZkm These auctions share a lot of common features with those of our old friend Pirates-r-us. Low cost items sold as authenticated props. Auction photographs of stills from film usually not relating in any way with the "prop" for sale. item pictures sometimes taken from origional seller (In this case directly from the jas townsend website.) This time he is selling on behalf of an uncle who was a re-enactor who worked on both POTC, The Alamo, the Patriot and Band of Brothers (which filmed in England and France) What do you think? our old friend or a new kid on the block? By the way, A sword (Worth about £45 -£55) Just sold for £125 on ebay as an origional prop with a COA from Piratesrus, a division of Nine Eleven Enterprises. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...me=STRK:MEWA:IT And a framed Denix pistol sold for £41 with a similar Certificate Of Authenticity http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...me=STRK:MEWA:IT So the Pirates-R-Us Legacy lives on
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