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Everything posted by Tall Paul
I Followed Ed Foxe's Example and looked this one up on the IMDB. Nobody seems to have a good word to say about this movie. However I did notice in the cast list one Michael Lampe, as "A Pirate" Would that be Michael Lampe of NO QUARTER GIVEN fame?
A Very underraited film. Sadly not available on DVD Here in the UK (I had to search high and low to get a copy at aresonable price on VHS as the tape version was discontinued too.) When we wrote the "Artcles" for C.H.E.S. there was a strong movement to have "One pet per pirate parrots preferred" included. And we are still looking for a stuffed crocodile with buttons down one side.
The fabric is a lightweigt cotton canvas, and I painted the design using acrylic paint mixed with a scrren printing compound to make the design waterproof. This may have been a mistake, since it took three coats of paint (Six after painting both sides.) and the plastic component in the screen printing compound made the design very heavy. To pick out the details, I used a Black perminant felt tip marker. I used modern paints in order to prolong the life of the flag, but if anyone can suggest an alternative to the acrilic/screenprint compound, that is less heavy, but still waterproof, I would be very greatfull.
Well, After High prase from Captain Alva, I thought that I had better post a couple of pictures of the finished item. I am afraid that these picturs are not very good as they were taken with a camera phone on a gusty day, but they will give you an idea of what the finished item looks like. I have already posted these pictures in the "Post Your Colors" thread, but I thought I would stck them in here also as a thank you for the help given. By the way Patrick, I would be inerested in seeing those pictures, especially if they show the correct knots for attaching the flag to the halyard. Thanks again for the help.
Well, after finally putting our new flag togeter. I thought that I had better put up some pictures of the finished item. So, after spending half an hour in a Very light, gusty breeze, holding up my camera phone, I managed to get a couple of not very good snaps of the flag with the wind behind it. So, here it is. AND
Thanks for the info, looks like I will be making toggles tonight.
I am in the process of making the pirate flag for my group, the Colchester Historical enactment society (C.H.E.S.) (See picture. I remember from my cubscout days that flags were attached to the host line with a loop and a toggle. But for the life of me, I cannot remember if the loop was at the top of the flag, and the toggle was at the bottom. Or is the Toggle at the top, and the loop at the bottom? Can Anyone please help?
I have Just finished the artwork for the C.H.E.S (Thats Colchester Historical Enactment Society) Flag, Prior to beggining construction, so I decided to post it to see what you guys thought. The Image of the skull, and the design of the wings is taken from period Gravestones and woodcuts, the cutlases were also based on early 18th century artwork.
Unfortunately, the Book that I found this picture in has no picture credits. It is taken from 1700 scenes from london life, by Maureen Waller, So it is a safe bet that it is from the turn of the 17th-18th Century, from the mens costume I would guess last part of the 17th Century. Perhaps you could email the British Museum, I have taken a quick look at the BM website, but as it is not possible to sort their collections by year, I had no luck. I can send a bigger resolution copy of this scan to anyone who is interested.
I have been asked to come up with a list of Pirate movies available on DVD here in the UK as part of a promotional event that we are doing for the DVD release of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, for our local HMV store. Whilst reserching, I found this film, Due out on DVD in England on 27th of November. Pirates of Treasure Island, Starring Lance Henriksen as Long John Silver. This title seems to be getting a very low key relese, which is seldom a good sign, so I was wandering if anyone had seen this movie, and if it was worth spending my hard earned cash on.
As usual, I find myself arriving late to this party, however I recently found these pictures whilst researching taverns. I hope that they help. And
Everyone rates English Flints very high indeed, and nearly all of the Ammerican gun sellers supply them. However this is small comfort to me as I live in England. Can anyone tell me who makes/supplies english flints here in the UK?
Hi Kass, If you Haven't already left your shores, could you also put one of each into the bag for me also.
Like Capt JackRussel, I am VERY interested in buying a set. How much is the postage to the United Kingdom? Also, from my point of view, Paypal is probably the best way for me to make a payment to anybody in the United States, the bank charges for drawing a Dollar Cheque against a sterling account, is more than the cost of the plans. Do you accept payment by paypal? Do you have a website that you use to sell these items? If you do, could you post the link here?
Ah, Well, There's your problem. The Potzdam Pistol was noted for being one of the Biggest pistols around at the time. I think that it would be a terrible shame to cut it down.
Nice picture of a sea chest though.....
Finding Pirates, and pirate ships is the easy part, The problem comes because in order to get a balanced game you also need ships from Britain, Spain, and the other nationalites used in this game. For example, Commodore Sir William James (1720 – 16 December 1783) who, in 1755, whilst in command of the Protetor, attacked and destroyed the Pirate fortress on Severndroog Island.
OK, So this set does not exist, (Yet) But what about a set of Wizkids Pirates Constructible Strategy Game based on the ships of real pirates from the pages of history. I was discussing the Bottom of the barrel scraping going on at Wizzkids with their latest Pirates CSG offerings, at the shop where I buy my cards, and they suggested a "Pirates of Infamy" Set. This is one for the purists, and would contain Pirates and pirate hunters from history, and the ships in which they sailed. The Flavour text would be a brief description of the history of the character or vessel. As a game it would be no less valid than the existing sets, but it would have an additional educational edge. And who wouldn't get a buzz from pitching Edward Teach (Blackbeard) aboard the Adventure against Lieutenant Maynard ? (By the way, anyone know the names of the sloops commanded by Maynard? I thought that they were the Ranger and the Jane, But the Wikkipedia has them listed as HMS Pearl & HMS Lyme.) Or from teaming up "Calico Jack" Rackham with Anne Bonny and Mary Reid? It would be relatively easy to unearth the names of Spanish Treasure Galleons from the time, and The Names of vessels used by some of the more notorious Pirates are recorded by Capt., Johnson. Perhaps we should make up our own list of Crew And Ships and petition Wizkids. I am sure that they would be up for the idea if they Didn’t have to do all that tedious research. What ships and crew would you suggest for this new set? Remember, not just Pirates, but also vessels and men involved in conflicts with Pirates. I would recommend drawing from a wider age of sail than the GAoP, say 1600 to 1850.
The Sextants are all Way too late for GAoP. The OCTANT is still too late for golden Age, but not quite so bad. I would be interested in buying a set of the DiVIDERS Though. The COMPASS also looks interesting, but I do not know enough about 18th Century compasses to know if it were correct for GAoP, (Any thoughts Foxe?) So Far, This astrolabe, From THIS WEBSITE, Looks about the best. I would reccomend that anyone interested in early Navigational instruments gets this book. LATITUDE HOOKS AND AZIMUTH RINGS By Dennis Fisher It has instructions for making and using 18 different navigational tools.
Cara Mia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you Tango Too ???????
Sucking a dead mans Peanuts ????????? :angry:
Blaming the Musket Eh? Foxe? If I remember rightly you couldn't get the cannon primer to light either. I think that you are just an antidote to black powder.
By the way, As you may expect, the Blackbeard Drams got a pretty Damming review from Jamaca Rose, (Christine Lampe) on the latest Edition (May/June?) of No Quarter Given.
The Documentry has been discussed extensivly elswere in this forum, I downloaded the US version some time ago. The UK version appears to be a slightly different edit, complete with a new commentery. Gone is the claim to be the most accurate and authenic account of blackbeard ever told. Wilst it is still not without mistakes, some off the worst errors have now been glossed over.
For heavens sake, They Havn't even got "Pirates of the Myserious Island" Into the shops yet! (I do like the Idea of going "A Viking" though)