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Nathaniel Jameson

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Posts posted by Nathaniel Jameson

  1. I'm just going to make this clear because it upsets me that they would try to squash you like that.

    Homelessness is not merely the lack of a home, it's a mindset. The fact that you lived in an unregistered RV means you had a "home" whether it was recognized by the local government is irrelevant. The fact that you didn't consider yourself homeless is major, since a lot of homeless people I have tried to work with in betterment programs have this mentality that they are homeless and nothing will change. They've given up on themselves. You on the other hand, are not living with that mentality. However, I congratulate you on your apartment and I hope things go well for you there.

  2. I've just finished my goggles, and this seemed like the place to post 'em...



    This got buried and I don't think was truly appreciated due to everyone trying to explain what Steam Punk is.

    These goggles are amazing. Truly amazing. Might I inquire as to what that metallic piece is that you covered one of the lenses with?

  3. The nice thing I'm noticing about steam punk is that it is possibly to find many pieces at of your "puzzle" at thrift stores. As I'm looking at everyone's pictures, I'm thinking to myself, "Oh, I saw something like that at [name of thrift store]" or "That wouldn't be hard to make form a vest I saw at [thrift store]" While most of my time and effort is going towards getting a period outfit for my historically accurate persona, I may just have to keep my eye open for things that would make great steam punk pieces.

  4. I admit it, he was and is ALWAYS my FAVORITE!! :P


    I guess in school there is no right to peaceful assembly or the pursuit of MEEP!

    Unfortunately, there are two factors to your statement that make it incorrect which have been used against students in the past.

    1. Students sign a contract and/or code of conduct book that states they will adhere to wishes of the school authority, and this is then signed by their parents because a student's signature alone is worthless. Any rights they may have are suspended or forfeited the minute they sign the contract/code of conduct book.

    2. Students are under 18, thus not having the same privileges and rights of an American adult.

    I got a lesson in what "rights" a student has on many occasions at my classical education charter school back in high school.

    To all this I say, "Meep you!"

  5. It strikes me that this Mr. Struder has a great understanding of what can happen and a great sense of humor. I think that his attorney is keeping quiet because they don't want to embarrass the Fort. Unfortunately, it does come across as really suspicious that that would happen, considering that every demonstration of cannon firing I've ever seen, the ramrod was held on to by what I believe they call a powder monkey.

    Anyways, I'm really glad to hear such harsh but necessary discipline from the lot of you, I'd feel a lot safer around you folks than around some of the Civil War reenactors I've met in the past.

  6. Would there happen to be an active crew in the upper Midwestern US? I'm from Minnesota, and while there was the Fool's Gold troupe, they're websites are out of date and unkempt. Anyone with any information on a crew in my area, I'd appreciate it if you share what you know.

  7. See how long that was? That's why I didn't explain it.

    Actually, thanks to your explanation and the on going conversation over in Captain Twill about Surgeons I think it would be more fitting for my character to be literally a doctor-turned-pirate.

    Without being too lengthy in an explanation of my thought, I'm thinking along the lines that my character was a doctor who killed a colleague in moment of fury discussing debts owed. Fearing the noose, my character got in contact with a merchant-friend who helped him get on board a ship. My character had to leave behind his well established reputation and soon-to-come wealth for a chance a life, albeit not exactly the life he had hoped for.

    That's just preliminary, as I have a lot of research to do on the subjects at hand, not to mention that there are at least a few loopholes in my story that need to be ironed out.

  8. Thank you, Mission for your valuable input. I'll have to look into those manuals as suggested, as well as doing my own research on the differences between a surgeon and a doctor. I do understand that at the time those two were different occupations and a surgeon, if I'm not mistaken, wasn't even given the titled "Doctor" but simply reverted to "Mister." I have seen for myself the marvelous craftsmanship of the G. Gedney Godwin and have bookmarked it as a resource for things. I have read though that because of the price of some things, it has earned the nickname by many re-enactors, "Oh my Godwin." Thanks again.

    Pew, as a writer, I plan to spend much time writing the back story for my character in the Skull and Quill Society. Perhaps, for one occasion or another, the pen is mightier than the sword?

    Of course, you'll have to cock your own hat from a hat blank to truly initiate yourself into the trade.

    That part, out of all the other fun things I look forward to doing, is personally my most anticipated task. I look forward to it eagerly.

  9. Hello all,

    The name is Nathan (that's my real name, Nathaniel was an embellishment that sounded more period), 19, and I'm from Minnesota, USA.

    I'm a professional actor that wanted to make myself a tricorn hat and was led here, after reading through some of threads I thought this might be a great place to explore a lot of creativity in me that never comes out. I've always wanted to make my own costumes for different things, and this would be the perfect excuse for it, not to mention that then I would have a costume for the Ren Fest. I really can't express just how excited I am getting reading into all the amazing things that go on in this community. It's truly a wonder that I haven't heard of this before, especially from my live action role-playing buddies from Amtgard.

    I'm doing my research into developing the character of a doctor-turned-pirate, but any suggestions in regards to what influences might help me develop a character as well as things I should know before fully committing myself to that type of character would be appreciated. I realize this is not the easiest nor the most difficult type of character I could have chosen, but as I'm still very new to the scene my information is running very short. Although I'd like to get my costume up to Captain Twill standard eventually, at the moment I just want to have a basis of understanding of what that entails and how I can achieve that reasonably.

    I'd also like to say that in the past two hours of lurking I've seen a lot of very helpful people and those of you who do this know who you are, and that includes the ones who are too humble to say so themselves, I think you folks should be commended. Helping us greens can't be the easiest task at times, but you all are very insightful and resourceful people with a lot of awesomeness. So thank you in advance.

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