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Bos'n Cross

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Posts posted by Bos'n Cross

  1. *grabs something to bludgeon master lasseter with, as he goes down, mr.cross thanks him for his services in safety, but finds it ironic that it should end this way....very unsafe.....* Master roberts, i wonder if this should be in the log? *hides the body for king and country! or at least thats what sterling would want me to do..i think...* ............

  2. Might the chap in the(bottom) middle be wearing a broad brimmed high crowned monmouth (otherwise knows as the "peter the great hat")?...it does look quite similar in shape to the gloucester caps though........

    The fellow it the top engraving for sure seems to have some sort of leg covering, but i wonder why (or at least it doesnt seem) the others arent wearing any similar covering..........though they all seem to be wearing wooden shoes, which iv come across before....i dont think iv ever seen a reenactor wearing them though...lol great find dutch!

  3. aaahh yes...child labor! does my heart good to hear of it.........Oh captain, the doctor told me that my affliction was not contagious...i dont know what has come over these people....... master cyphers...boarding pikes you say?!...grappling hooks? are we planning a boarding party?

  4. enjoy them mate, that shoe hasnt let me down yet! only advice i can give is that you may want to get a rubber heel put on them, itll do wonders in keeping you from sliding around, and making steps a bit more comfortable!

  5. actually hurricane, mine fit as well! Quite nicely in fact. These are the first shoes that feel good to wear. i even made a mental note this year that i kept wearing them after hours!(which is hasnt happened with aannyy other shoes)...only problem is i slide around in them abit....otherwise..great all around!

  6. Wonderful time all around! A big thank you to lilly and fayma for making it all happen, i cannot begin to fathom the amount of work you two put into making this happen....just remember to relax now that its over! I already miss all of you so very much, i think that the best part of pip, is not the battle, auction or contests....its the people that make this event truly special! i cant wait till we all get together again.........and a thanks to you all for putting up with me and not killing me along the way!

    P.S. Beowoulf ....bet you want to move to florida now lolol

  7. yes i have! lol yeah...those legs need some stockings.....or do they already have them......lol....indeed, i know those shoes, they are from a european company called McFarthingbowls. The only person in the states who i know has them is our very own Ivan Henry/ mooseworth(the gun merchant)...as far as i last heard, he was quite happy with them.........i though they offered them in natural or brown at one time....id for sure get them then! Does anyone know the maker of the other shoes on the site? and if they are any good...$70 for a back up pair of shoes isnt bad at all......

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